Tarot Reading

Thursday Interactive Tarot Reading Dec 16th 2021

Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






Tarot Card Draw #1: Seven of Pentacles, reversed

Generally, the Seven of Pentacles reversed represents wasted effort, or hard work yielding minimal results. Often, this card presents itself when you have simply been working entirely too much and have lost focus on other areas of your life. You have become out of touch with yourself and your close friends and family, and are not even achieving great results. This card also indicates delays, hurdles, or other obstacles standing in the way of achieving greater results or reaching specific goals. In a relationship, the Seven of Pentacles reversed indicates a rough time in your relationship. A major conflict with your partner is looming, and this will most likely either cause a major strain in your relationship, or a separation. Brace yourself, and if you are interested in keeping your relationship or at least salvaging your partner’s feelings you will need to work with their needs and be open when they try to discuss issues with you. If you are looking for a relationship, the Seven of Pentacles indicates extreme frustration with the lack of viable partners around you. It also sometimes indicates a lack of effort on your part. If you want to find a fulfilling relationship, you need to put more focus and energy into finding a partner because a good relationship will not necessarily just fall into your lap. In your career, the Seven of Pentacles reversed indicates that you are working entirely too hard for the results you are receiving. You simply are not being paid your worth, or you are putting forth more effort than you should be. You need to reevaluate your focus and prioritize your needs. You are most likely neglecting something in your personal life, and the loss and neglect simply is not worth the compensation from your career.

Tarot Card Draw #2: The High Priestess, reversed

The High Priestess is always indicative of someone with heightened intuition. However, in the reversed position you have been ignoring your intuition or discarding it. This will have a negative effect on your life as you will have the knowledge to guide you in the correct direction, but you will simply go with whatever you desire instead. Any time you are faced with a major decision, you need to take some time in quiet solitude and focus on yourself, listening to your gut and following what you know is right instead of what you just want to be right. In your romantic life, you tend to be very apprehensive about your partners or any potential partners. You are highly sought after by many people, but you tend to question their motives and cast doubt onto any connections or potential connections. You are likely very emotional and explosive, and prone to experience heightened sexual tension. In your career, the High Priestess reversed indicates you have been left out of any plans or memos, or any changes going on in the workplace. This has caused you to be very cautious and feel very secluded. You need to take charge and be more assertive, or even switch careers if you are not afforded the respect you deserve.

Tarot Card Draw #3: The Sun

The Sun is indicative of happiness, joy, good luck, fortune, and light. Your happiness and positive attitude radiates around you, drawing others into your light. Sometimes The Sun also presents itself to make it known that it will soon shine its light on a deceitful situation that has been happening around you. Sometimes, the Sun also presents itself to provide warmth and guidance for a problem you have had, or it can even signify travel to warmer area. In your romantic life, the Sun is indicative of joy and happiness. However, the Sun also shines light on bad situations so at times this card might present itself as a warning of something that has been going on in the shadows that you have been unable to see. Be mindful of your surroundings and of your partner’s actions towards you, but also take comfort in the true happiness this card brings. In your career, you are at a point of great success! You have achieved many of your goals, and are at a comfortable place. You are financially stable, and have done a great job building yourself up and meeting your needs.

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