Better Self

A New Year Full of Opportunity

new year

A New Year Full of Opportunity

This time of year, the most frequent question I get asked is, “What does the new year hold for me?” The answer, quite simply is 365 opportunities to create and manifest the best life possible.

These are just days on a calendar. What you choose to do with each day will determine how your year goes. Choose to do nothing and just hope that your life gets better or choose to be proactive and simply create a better life.

Unless you choose to take action to make things better then follow that up with positive action, then this new year will be just like all the years past when you were sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Hoping for a new love? Decide exactly what type of partner you most desire then get out and place yourself in the path to meet such a person. Wanting a new and better job? Seek one out. Desire a better financial outlook? Take action, create a solid budget then stick to it.

Mr. or Ms. Right is not going to come knocking on your door. It is extremely rare that the perfect job falls into someone’s lap out of the blue. It is highly unlikely that you have a wealthy aunt or uncle passing who has left their fortune to you.

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Only YOU can make these things happen. No amount of prayer and visualizations will create these opportunities for you unless you choose to be proactive and place yourself in situations to make them happen.

Choose to make this a better year by being proactive, letting go of past hurts and forgive. Turn your back on negativity, even if it means cutting out people who are a large part of your life. Always choose to be positive. Each day give thanks for the blessings you do have in your life.

When changing the page on the calendar, change your attitude as well. Do not make resolutions, instead, set goals then do what needs to be done to achieve those goals. Do not give in to the “New Year, New You” way of thinking unless you are willing to do what needs to be done to create that new you.

This new you simply will not manifest as you wake up one morning. This new you will take hard work and focused effort on your part. Whether you want to lose weight, get a better job, meet your mate … anything worth having takes work. It also takes risk.

Do not be afraid to try something new. The old sayings are true: “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior,” and “Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.”

Tamara’s Verdict

Take a chance. Stand tall and firm. Be focused and dedicated. Challenge yourself each and every day as each day is a new opportunity. Do not be afraid to ask for that raise. Ask out your crush … man or woman … just do it. Let go of the past and of situations and relationships that do not serve your higher good. Offer up forgiveness, including to yourself.

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