Better Self, Top Stories

A Trick for Being Happier: Be Authentic

show up authentic

Show Up Authentically and Be Happier!

Sometimes, honesty and authenticity is confused with an abrupt and direct style of behavior. But when we dig deeper into this, we realize that actually, while we can be quick at voicing our opinions, no matter how hurtful, and call it authenticity, we still restrain ourselves about voicing it back at ourselves. That’s the truth that affects our lives and ourselves, and that has little to do with telling our friend that the dress she’s trying on actually looks like a kick in the gut.

While it is easier to tell the “truth” about somebody else, when it comes to ourselves it can be way harder, but as well, way more life-changing.

Cultivating assertiveness and a good sense of boundaries and preferences can truly change our entire experience and our relationship with our environment. But, what do I mean exactly when I speak about showing up authentically?

Cultivate your life values

Stand by the things that you consider the most important and don’t be scared about voicing your concerns when you’re feeling uncomfortable or changing the situation when it is not aligned with your values.

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“No” is a complete sentence

And it doesn’t require an explanation. Asertiveness doesn’t consist on being mean, one thing is honesty, and one thing is telling a friend who is asking you out for a coffee “No, because I don’t feel like seeing your face!” However; If you aren’t looking forward to the plan, just say “no”. This applies to any other commitment that you are forced to make. Being able to say no without justifying your answer is one of the most freeing experiences that you can have, even if it is scary!

Some people will not like you

And that’s perfectly okay. You need to pursue your own happiness, and it might not be the happiness that other people understand, but I can promise you that the happier you are with your life choices, the less you require for others to validate them. Accepting that some people will not agree with us or that they may not like us is a part of life. Working on getting comfortable with that truth will drastically change the way you present yourself to the world.

Honesty begins with yourself

Leave aside being honest with others and bring the focus to who you are. Are you being honest with your beliefs, your feelings, your commitments? Honesty comes in many forms and shapes. Being honest with yourself can be admitting that a relationship is not making you happy, that you chose an unsatisfactory career path because it was expected of you or that you don’t like jalapeños no matter how hard you try.

Start taking steps today to honor who you are in as many ways as possible and you will see how your life begins to flow in a different and more satisfactory way!

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