Absolutely Fabulous the movie is hitting the big screen

With Absolutely Fabulous the movie hitting the big screen everyone is wild with anticipation over how well it will do, and I for one can’t wait.  I have to say I am hooked on their series and followed it for many years and it always leaves me upbeat and can brighten the darkest day. Joanna Lumley is 70 this year, and shows us all how to grow old and look fabulous when you are doing it. While her co-actress Jennifer Saunders never seems to change.

While there is no way in this world anyone could live that lifestyle and be alive in 10 years. You have to take your hat off to the fact that the girls just make it look do-able and fun. Theirs is a lifestyle that most of us envy, Patsy played by Joanna Lumley, the alcoholic drug addict who seems to travel through life without it even affecting her and Eddie, played by Jennifer Saunders in her endless battle to become a fashion icon of the London jet set and failing miserably while doing it. It’s a good job they have Saffy played by the lovely Julia Sawalha keeping the two of them in check. It’s a role reversal of mother and daughter.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

And what do the cards say about the movie? Well, the cards they drew were the Fool, which is ironic being a comedy, but it’s the card of risk, and a great many serial comedies fail to woo the crowd when they take to the big screen. But not this one I feel. The Justice Card shows that it will take its rightful place as a success in the hearts of those who follow the series. The Four of Cups say that this family dysfunctional as they are, are well loved by their fans, and their fans won’t let them down. I see a success here.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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