Celeb News

Adele Swears it’s a good night

Adele Glastonbury

Adele Swears it’s a good night

Singer Adele once again proved that the lady is not going to change because the camera is on her.  During the Glastonbury festival, she swore a staggering 33 times despite warnings from the BBC. Like it or loath it, there is a side of me that admires someone who will stand in front of an estimated 3.7 million people and be relaxed enough to just talk as though the was talking to her best friend.

Last month she made the headlines when she stopped the show and told someone to stop recording it on her cell phone. The moment was caught by the hundreds of other cell phones who were watching while she addressed the by now very embarrassed audience member. You can understand her point though. Why should she go through all that trouble selling tickets when people can record it and show it to their friends who didn’t buy a ticket and were getting the benefit of the concert for free? Good for you Adele.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say about Adele this month? This month she drew the six of swords, the queen of Coins and the Tower card. The Six of swords kind of points to the reaction from the BBC with regards to the swearing, but then she is the Queen of Coins, and they can’t really afford to come down to heavy on her either. But like a true queen, she is every bit a star and they know it. The Tower card sees changes around the Homefront for Adele, perhaps she will be moving property, or what’s more likely (and I feel stronger around this one) she will be still on the road. Busy busy busy appears to be the message on Adeles cards this month.


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