Family Who Accidentally Adopted Two Massive Monsters Couldn’t Be Happier
Bee Fisher and her husband Joshua of Long Beach, California already had a big family. With three growing boys in the household, they didn’t have a whole lot of room or energy to spare. Still, they felt like something was missing. That’s when the Fishers considered getting a dog. Ultimately, they decided to adopt two small pooches so they wouldn’t be lonely and would always have someone to play and run around with. The family was so excited about the new additions to the household! They named their two puppies, Newfoundland puppies to be exact, Ralphie and The Boss. To say that these two pooches made their already large family an even bigger one is an understatement. When the Fisher family adopted the two Newfoundland dogs they didn’t realize they’d be getting so much more than they bargained for. Since they first started sharing their adventures on their Instagram account, the Fishers’ massive family has been stealing hearts all over the world.
Ralphie and The Boss have been a natural, albeit huge, additions to the Long Beach, California, family’s home. They are just a massive as they are lovable! It’s not surprising that the photographs that the family shares on Instagram have been such a tremendous hit. While Newfoundlands are capable of reaching nearly 300 pounds, they are actually full of love. Don’t let their bear-like appearance fool you! These pups are more likely to attack you with kisses than they are to ever do you harm. Big dogs can mean BIG spit! It’s a good thing they have plenty of fur to catch all those dribbles when their tongues stick out. Perhaps not so surprisingly, this giant breed gets their name from their origin. Newfoundlands were first bred on the coast of Newfoundland in Canada, where they were originally used to work the land and the water. They truly are great swimmers! These muscular dogs were originally bred to swim long distances. Their very thick coats kept them warm as they swam out to retrieve fisherman’s nets.
Still, even the Fishers were surprised by Ralphie and The Boss’s size the day they went to the shelter to pick them up. They don’t just take up a lot of physical space; these huge dogs also take up a lot of room in their owners’ hearts. Bee and Joshua’s three sons, Lenox, Cruz, and Tegan all make great brothers for Ralphie and The Boss. It’s like adding two more kids to the mix! Two giant, hairy, and drool-prone kids, that is. Whenever the Fishers travel, they love to bring their two dogs along for the ride! According to the Fishers, “They are gentle giants and we can take them anywhere.” It must be shocking to see this whole crew on the road! Can you imagine growing up with those two behemoths as your canine big brothers? While the dogs love to play with each and every member of their family, even they need a break from the grind from time to time! Thankfully, the Fishers “hired” a babysitter in the form of a giant bunny to keep their youngest, Tegan, preoccupied while their furry brothers can catch a snooze! The Fishers don’t just share photographs of their adventures with the pups on Instagram, they also share some amazing videos of their BIG family!
Have The Fisher Family Documentation Changed Opinions Of Owning Large Breed Dogs?
Susan Z’s Conclusion:
Well as stated by the Fisher family, they had no idea their “pups” were going to be such a sensation on Instagram. This was already a loving family but documenting with pictures and videos promote dogs as feeling and sentient beings who should be treated as a family member with love and kindness.
The Devil:
This card is about fear and negative energies. I feel this card came up showing how the Fisher family is changing general viewpoints that large dogs are dangerous and should be feared.
The Hanged Man: Inverted (Upside Down)
This card is about surrendering past victim energies. Since it is inverted, it shows old paradigms of being victimized by large dogs and fearful is being turned around.
Five of Swords: Inverted
This card is what I call the wuss card and being taken advantage of. Being inverted, it makes a big statement of how the Fisher family feels about their dogs, not an inconvenience in the least but a real blessing to their family including all the hair and drool. Lol!
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