Adriana Lima’s job for life?
Supermodel Adriana Lima is currently preparing for her 16th Victoria’s Secret fashion show. She has been associated with the brand since 1995 so you could say that she has veteran status. Apparently, it’s her passion that drives her and despite being the ‘ripe old age’ of 35, she revealed that she would love to be with them until she turns 40.
Ariana was recently asked about her OG Angel status, and if like Adriana you’re not familiar with the term, it means Original Gangster, that is, someone who has been associated with the brand for a long time. Adriana has said that she continues to feel proud of her work and gives her all. As with many people who follow their passion, it does not feel like work. She works out every day to keep her bod in tip-top shape and takes her routine very seriously.
The workaholic model is happy to advise up and coming Victoria Secret models and believes that it’s important to enjoy yourself and have fun with the whole ‘performance.’ Ariana is one of a long line of the beautiful people to support Kendall Jenner on her career path. Her maternal energy is borne from being a mother herself. Ariana says that when he kids are ok, then mom is ok. Do what you love and you will never work another day in your life!
Véronique’s Verdict
Ariana drew the Six of Wands, the Three of Wands and the Prince of Wands. All career cards.
The Six of Wands shows Ariana growing up in the spotlight. She has a gift and uses her attributes to their best. Although many ‘regular’ people may not consider the role of a supermodel as actual work, Ariana is proud of what she does and understands the privileged position she has found herself in.
The Three of Wands is all about making the most of all opportunities presented. There is an inclusive energy and a camaraderie within the profession. Friendly rivalry may exist but the up and coming names continue to be welcomed into the fold.
The Prince of Wands represents change. This card indicates new opportunities for Ariana. I feel that there is a restless energy within Ariana coupled with a need to declare her allegiance as a Victoria Secret model. She understands that there is a life shelf within her profession and so there is an element of making every day count whilst keeping an eye on the future.
Engaging in a profession that is based on looks may bring out insecurities in the most confident of people. In a manner of speaking, Ariana has set out her stall revealing to the powers that be that she is ‘available.’ However, there is a sense of a new opportunity being offered. Good luck to Ariana in her future endeavours.
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