“Teen Mom” star Amber Portwood slams Farrah Abraham’s remarks.

Amber Portwood clapped back at her co-star Farrah Abraham after Farrah called her a “Knockoff Miss Piggy” in a social media post on November 29th. While I’m aware that these ladies had hard starts in life, they are responsible for raising the next generation. With that in mind, this is scary behaviour. This only highlights the reason why child rearing is normally best left in the hands of adults. While I know that these things are highlighted for a TV program, a certain level of respect should be carried forward to the public.

To Farrah:
As a mother, you have a responsibility to your child to behave in an adult respectable fashion while addressing the public. Motherhood is a responsible adult role. Your child will carry this into the classroom even years down the line. Children are merciless in what they say and we as adults must teach them right from wrong and how they must respect others to earn respect. Comments that attempt to body shame or hurt, are not respectful and earn nothing from society but anger. A child that learns this from a parent will struggle with life.

To Amber:
It’s not worth the backlash. It is fully understandable why you responded. For future reference, insults only gain strength by our reaction to them. If we let them fall flat on their face, then the person who started them normally falls also. You have managed to turn your life around over the last few years and this is a credit to you. Stay strong, rise above it and prove that you are all lady.

Ok ladies, I will draw one card for each and the third will round it up.

To Amber Portswood- you got the Nine of Wands: This is the card of taking control. It is showing the path you have put yourself on when you turned your life around. This is no easy task, but you have managed it. You have set a wonderful example for your child on how to run your life. There will always be people willing to drag up the past. That’s fine. It’s a medal of honour that you walked that walk and turned it around. If you can manage to turn your life around, you can certainly ignore childish remarks. Stay on the track you are on. More benefits are coming your way.

To Farrah Abraham- you drew the Four of Wands: This is the card of a balance of the mind and body. You took something society would have deemed a negative “16 And pregnant” and made it a positive through TV. However, as a mother you need to prepare your child for the world. It is vital. Sophia needs to be accepted into this world and her mother childishly shaming another woman in public, is hardly a good message to learn. Good energy balance is important. You said your past wasn’t great, you must ask yourself what you want for your daughter? Who do you want her to be?

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

Girls, I now feel like the father figure trying to stop a schoolyard fight. The Hermit talks of isolation and retiring away from something. It quite rightly points to the fact that people generally do not want to be around people who backstab. If you will do it for one person, then you can do it for all. So, you will find people giving you a lot of space. This could lead to isolation and this is what the hermit card warns off.


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As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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