Doting dad Antonio Banderas shops till he drops with daughter Stella.

Someone has to carry the shopping! Who better than 55-year-old Antonio Banderas, who was spotted partaking in a little upmarket shopping in Beverley Hills with daughter Stella. Nothing like a little father-daughter bonding, but I very much doubt the 19-year-old managed to max out daddy’s credit card. Banderas, relaxed and happy in the company of Stella, separated from her mother Melanie Griffith in 2014 subsequently divorcing in December 2015 after 19 years together. Banderas claims his continued love for Griffith but has since found happiness with an investment banker, Nicole Kimpel.

Véronique’s Verdict

Antonio drew the Queen of Swords, the King of Hearts and the Nine of Pentacles. I feel that Antonio has been much assisted in his life by a strong matriarchal energy where fair, unbiased and worthy solutions have been offered with a sharp tongue to his self-controlled gentlemanly demeanour shielding an inner turmoil with which his passionate and jealous nature arouses in in heart. He is innately appreciative of inner beauty and behaves with impeccable taste and gentleness. Trying to bury strong feelings under a thinly masked veil of calm can feel dangerous and this may be part of his attraction. There is a new found independence within Antonio that he has not experienced for decades, he has reached a place of relaxation and solitary leisure within an idyllic place that has been created by himself for himself. He remains respectful of feminine power and will continue to follow his heart and trust that emotional and financial gains will be presented to him as he continues on his life path.


Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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