Understanding Your Dreams Dream interpretation is probably one of the gifts I am in complete awe of and in all honesty (even though the information comes through whether I like it or not) have never pursued. There are so many levels of dimensions, past and present information, healing,…
What Dating Men Are Attracted To The question comes up a lot when someone has lost a perspective partner they really, really liked and the inquiry is always: “what is he looking for that I didn’t have?” Love is a strange energy that has no rhyme or reason.…
Why We Allow Ourselves to Procrastinate To be perfectly honest about procrastination, we all do it. I do not recall in the decades of counseling ever speaking to someone who will not put off something they do not want to do. The reality of procrastination usually becomes apparent…
Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations So many of relationship troubles have these two statements; “I thought and hoped he would ……” (fill in the blanks) and the second statement; “I never thought he could or would do that to me.” Both are classic cases of disappointment built on…
Learn to Read Tarot the Easy Way: Part I So, you want to read Tarot for yourself, your friends, or make the transition of becoming a professional. There are so many levels of Tarot skills merged with other psychic gifts, to say someone is JUST reading the Tarot…
Leave Your Emotional Baggage Behind You The past is not your compass to guide you into the future. The past cannot be re-created, do-overs don’t exist and there is always a reason why certain things have happened to you in your life. Some are obvious, some not so…
Is Your Bad Luck By Design Or Created By You? The Italians have the “Malocchio,” which means “evil eye.” Italian folklore says that someone who gives the “evil eye” (look) can actually bring pain or misfortune upon someone else. Of course, they can always spit three times to…
Let’s Stop Grouping Everyone Into Labels Let’s face it, we all get “judgy” from time to time due to our tribal upbringing, politics, news, movies, television, our own lack in our self-esteem or the need the put people in categories where we feel more comfortable. Lumping people into…
How The Pain Body Creates Your Emotional Suffering The first time I heard the phrase “Pain Body”, all I could think of was; “Now why would anyone go and stick pins in their eyeballs, if you knew it’s going to bring you pain”? The second part startled me…