Knowing When It’s Time To Move In Together When you have been seeing someone on a regular basis and it is showing all the signs this might just be “the one”, in today’s norm rules of courting, the subject comes up of moving in together. That big step…
When You Lose Your Best Friend I have been reading on my friend’s Facebook pages and in conversations, of losing friendships and some deliberate disconnecting from longtime acquaintances for various reasons. It is almost as though a purging of old energies is taking place, being painful and confusing…
Full Moon Release Ritual I love the full moon and everything associated with it, the beauty of it, the craziness it brings out in people and the opportunity to release issues and obsessions you want to be free of. The other fixation I have about the full moon…
How Do You Know When A Spirit Is Trying To Communicate With You? Whether we have strong psychic gifts or just an occasional “feeling” about something, spirit is constantly trying to get your attention. When the statement is made, “spirit communication”, most people immediately go to the place…
Why You Fall Out Of Love With Someone Most readings from a psychic advisor is about love…wanting it, losing it or having it and now not sure that person is the right one for them. You can hear it in their voice as they speak of their relationship…
How Much Is Too Much When You Love Someone? Sometimes when you read for someone who is either in a current relationship or broken hearted about a lost one, as they continue to reveal some of the circumstances, being an energetic reader, I can literally see that all…
In Celebration Of Summer Solstice Today is the Summer Solstice! It is the longest day of the year and it’s all about expressing gratitude for the gifts of harvest, bounty and abundance that is being given us in the next six months. It is a time to celebrate…
Surviving the “Dark Night Of The Soul” Webster’s Dictionary definition of the Dark Night of the Soul is a noun; “A period of spiritual desolation suffered by a mystic in which all sense of consolation is removed.” Anyone in search of spiritual awakening has experienced the infamous “Dark…
Your Psychic Gifts By Astrological Star Signs We all have psychic gifts to some degree, whether it be the smallest “gut instinct” that you get about something or you have some pretty amazing over the top gifts. You never know what they may be until you acknowledge them…
Words Of Wisdom Through Trance Channeling Trance channeling is sometimes called psychic channeling and mediumship. It should not be confused with receiving messages from guides, angels, spirits or other dimensional beings through clairaudience (hearing information given to you and then passed on verbally). Trance channeling is in a…