When Friends And Family Don’t Like Your Romantic Partner Having experienced this situation personally, it is not a comfortable place to be in but hey, you’re in love, what do they know, right? Well sometimes the people that care about you think they know what is best for…
The Ripple Effect Of Celebrity Suicides No one likes to talk about suicide, but I decided to write this article to try and tear down some of the taboos and fearful walls of a subject that no one seems to understand, not even the experts. As a reader…
Finding Your Spirit Animal Totem I have been forever mesmerized with dragonflys. I love their energy, their beauty, they swarm around me when I am walking. I own countless pieces of artwork and jewelry of them. Before I ever heard of an animal totem, I knew there had…
New Moon Abundance Ritual I am not a big follower of regular rituals that take up a lot of my time. But there is one energy ritual that I have steadfastly followed for years and also send out reminders to my clients and friends a few days before…
Who Are You Attracted To: Nice Guys Or Bad Boys? Ok! Let’s be honest when we ask ourselves that question. Unless you have been cloistered in a nunnery school for the last 20 years, those bad boy looks and qualities are what makes us swoon! In the feel…
Out Of Body Astral Projection This is a gift that has always had me trying to understand how exactly it works. I have spoken to people who are completely aware they are astral projecting but most who experience this phenomena, really aren’t sure that is what they are…
Earth Bound Spirit Rescue I had an interesting conversation recently at a psychic fair with a woman who offered her services as an earthbound spirit rescuer. She also taught courses on the basics of rescuing ghosts trapped in this reality or lost souls that wander around causing problems…
What Your Aura Color Says About You Aura color reading is another gift that I am in awe of, I don’t have the ability but I know many that do. Reading auras is not real high up on the list of being specially gifted, some can do it…
That Fine Line Between Good Self-Esteem and Narcissism Having good self-esteem is the difference between living a life of accomplishments that you can look back on and own them with pride. The lack of it can make us second guess every decision we have ever made and still…