Batchelor Ben Higgins tells Fiancé to get a job.
There is a ripple in the teacup of the Batchelor Ben Higgins and his Fiancé Lauren Bushnell. After quitting her job as a flight attendant to move to Denver to be with Higgins, she has yet to find a job, which is causing a little bit of a storm between them. I don’t think that was part of the deal. It would be understandable if there were kids to look after, but one has to wonder what she does all day and how she doesn’t die of boredom.
Well, no relationship is without its problems and this one is no different. If there wasn’t a bit of drama, there wouldn’t be a show. The beauty of this one is that we all get to be a fly on the wall and watch it unfold. There is a rumour that the reason that Lauren Bushnell isn’t committing to settling into a job in Denver is that she is hoping to convince Ben to move. This is always the dilemma, your place or mine?
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say? The three cards the lovers got were The Eight of Cups, The Page of Swords and The Death card. The Eight of Cups says that there is still a lot of love in the camp, so I don’t see them separating. Sure enough, the Page of Swords shows friction, but this is normal as they iron out the differences that all couples have in the beginning. The Death Card shows the dawning of a new day. Putting an old life behind you and moving on to a new beginning. It looks like Lauren Bushnell might have her way, now all she has to do is convince Ben.
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