Being Comfortable Alone

Some members of society think that when a man or woman is alone, it automatically means that a person is lonely, although that is not always the case. You can feel lonely whether you’re in a committed relationship or surround by your family. It all depends upon your state of mind.

“You are all you will ever have,” remarked a former boyfriend when I was in my late teens, which caused me to reflect upon how right he was. You can try to run away from you by revamping your looks, changing your career, or relocating to another area; however, you’re still stuck with the essence of you.

Since you take you wherever you go, why not become the best you possible? What helps to do this is to be comfortable in your own skin; nonetheless, this is not an overnight accomplishment. Rather, it’s a life long journey and learning to be okay in your own company is the key to self-love that leads to a greater you.

These following four tips assist you to enjoy being alone.

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“I can’t meditate,” is something I hear all the time, yet you can if you take it one breath at a time. Here’s how to start:
Close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out and do this six more times.

You just did a form of mindful meditation, even if it was only a couple of minutes, it’s a start. Investigate the many styles of meditation to find the right one for you.


Not only is walking healthy for the body, it clears the mind and soul, especially when done alone without the chatter of another person. Be aware of your surroundings, listen to the sounds around you, and feel the movements of your body.

If you find yourself focusing on a problem, bring your awareness to your feet, say to yourself as you put down your right foot “let,” then put down your right foot and say “go.” Let go, let go, let go, until the problem slips away and perhaps a solution will come.

Safety is the key when walking by yourself; therefore, walk during the day in a safe place.


A fun way to spend time alone is doing something creative, such as: coloring, writing, painting, sewing, metal work, carpentry, gardening, cooking, or whatever else you enjoy. This assists you to go into a meditative, creative zone, where you may get in touch with Your Higher Source for unexpected insights.

In Public

Instead of taking a friend or family member, take yourself out. For instance, you could go to: a restaurant, concert, museum, flea market, or to the movies. Just a suggestion, go during the daytime to avoid crowds and date night.

(READ: Who Are You Attracted To: Nice Guys Or Bad Boys?)

Pamela’s Verdict

Please discover other ways to enjoy your own company. One of the rewards of being comfortable alone is you begin to love and accept yourself that ripples out a certain energy to attract people on the same wavelength. Enjoy your alone time!

Considering getting a psychic reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate psychic readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online psychics available 24/7.



Mia is a Tarot and Lenormand reader and mentor with vast experience in the Occult. Her calling is to guide others through the most turbulent times in life as well as provide answers.

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