Big Signs Kim And Kanye Marriage Won’t Make It
I can’t believe I even made that statement for the title of this article! Lol! Since their first hook-up in 2012, the over the top wedding, the babies, the reality shows, never once has it occurred to me this relationship was a long-term thing. So, I am now writing the shocking news the signs are starting to show that Kimye may not be for much longer. How could I have been so wrong?!!!! Lol! Listed below are the red flags that are indicating the beginning of the end of this neurotic superstar marriage. Though Kim Kardashian appears to be standing by her man West in the midst of all his scandals, beefs and rants, it doesn’t mean she’s doing it out of love. Their marriage is big business but despite their cute Instagrams and photo ops, the rumor mill is suggesting there is a copious amount of discord in the Kimye marriage.
“Kanye is a compulsive tweeter. Kim can’t stand it.” West’s Twitter rants reportedly drive Kardashian up the wall. The annoyance allegedly began with his hate-fueled tirade against his ex, Amber Rose, and her baby daddy, Wiz Khalifa. Insiders also told People that her husband’s social media insanity is a raw point, which has included vague commentary about Bill Cosby and asking Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for $1 billion. Whoa! Didn’t know that!
2. They are completely materialists and he’s “broke”. In February 2016, West took to Twitter (via Billboard) to moan and groan about his financial woes. “I write this to you, my brothers, while still 53 million dollars in personal debt… Please pray we overcome… This is my true heart,” he tweeted.
3. Kanye is controlling. Duh, who didn’t know that? Remember when West threw out all of Kardashian’s clothes on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, just to replace them with things he’d picked out himself? That was just the beginning. From how she dresses, her makeup, the color of her hair and what she is involved with, he is determined to remove any shred of the former Kim before she was with him.
4. There’s speculation that West’s eye is wandering again, at least if his phone records are any indication. The New York Daily News reported that porn star Lisa Ann, claims to have a slew of nude photos sent to her from West during his marriage to Kardashian.
5. Kim expected support from Kanye when she was robbed in Paris but instead, he made it all about him. She is usually the strong supportive one in the partnership but had expected him to emotionally be there for her.
6. His anger issues and mental instability has distanced them and worries Kim about the safety of her children. West’s November 2016 breakdown was spawned by a lot of potential challenges: mental illness, exhaustion, paranoia, the anniversary of his mother’s death, and reportedly, marital strife.
Talk show host Wendy Williams told Radar Online, “I think that she likes the illusion of having a husband and children. He likes her because he likes a nice Barbie Doll. I don’t think it’s a real marriage. I believe that she’s more like a muse and he’s molding and creating her, so they work well together.” Sources also told Radar Online that West’s influence over Kardashian has gone beyond the superficial, claiming the rapper tries to control her every move. “Kim is feeling totally smothered by Kanye right now,” an insider said. “It’s like she no longer has a voice…Kim is kind of becoming his puppet and it seems she does not like it. But she almost asked for this, because in some ways this is all that she ever wanted.”
Susan Z’s Conclusion:
Ok, I have to confess that I found pages and pages of what the rumor mill is putting out on the end of this marriage but you get the point. The reality is, it is going to happen sooner or later. Both their lives are so filled with drama, you could add a dozen more issues to the above list and still not scratch the surface.
King of Wands:
A man of action and great passion. I would say this is the creative side of Kanye and also representative of his deep and compulsive love for Kim.
The Hermit:
Going within to find answers and feeling isolated and alone. I feel this is the energy of Kim right now in this marriage. She got married to Kanye thinking he was this strong, take charge kind of guy and has since discovered he is vulnerable and cannot be counted on when the journey gets tough.
Knight of Wands:
This is the energy of wanting freedom and the impatience of getting what you want fast enough. I would have to say this is probably Kim trying to figure out how to live her life the way she wants to but still wanting to please Kanye. I think they call that ‘caught between a rock and a hard place’!
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