Breakthrough in Kim Kardashian ’s Attack
Time is a tricky thing. When something good happens, it’s as if it disappeared in a second. When we suffer, time seems to come to a halt. How much time passes is irrelevant, what’s more important is whether we spent it in happiness or agony. A moment can seem like forever and at the same time, two years can pass us by in a blink.
Three months can be too long, especially when someone doesn’t feel safe. It only happened in October 2016. Kim Kardashian was tied up and held at gunpoint. Now, three months after the shocking Paris robbery, she might get closure.
Some would say that it is nearly impossible to track down the culprits after this long, the police disagree. They still work very hard to reveal the identity of the armed men (or women) who robbed Kim in October.
However, it isn’t certain whether this will help Kim recover from the horrors of the event. Especially because she might have been stalked days before the incident. Although this might come as a shock, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time something like this happens. For her, this new piece of information might just mean more sleepless nights.
Either way, she still gets upset when remembering that awful night and we can’t blame her. There isn’t a set time-frame that’s needed for recovery. Nor can we say the magic words for the pain to disappear. So let’s consult the cards to see what we and more importantly what Kim can do to get her closure.
Psychic Timea’s Verdict:
The Wheel of Fortune: Kim, you are at a crossroads and have been there for a while. You are struggling to see your next step just yet, but that’s natural. Remember, the wheel can turn either way, but there is always a balance. 2016 wasn’t your best year yet, but it also means that 2017 will bring your wheel back to balance.
Five of Wands: Your family is working very hard to create a positive environment for you. That’s exactly what you need right now. However, you can’t expect things to stay still. Change is inevitable and it’s what takes you forward. You might not like the pace, but try to make the most of it. It’s also OK to have a different opinion about what happened. You are the one who experienced it. Although everyone supports you, they can’t take your burden off your shoulders. They can help, but can’t do it for you.
Five of Swords: You are trying to pick up the pieces, yet feel like everyone is against you. You feel like you are driving people away and that may be the case in the long run. Be careful how much emphasis you put on the past.
All in all, the answer might not be in finding out who did it. Rather try to focus on what and who truly matters.
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