Celeb News

Cameron Diaz and Botox or not Botox

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz and Botox or not Botox

Cameron Diaz has said she has no problem with people getting Botox if that is what they wanted to do. Previously she was quoted as saying that she had tried Botox and hated what it did to her face. She was quoted as saying: I have absolutely no judgement on what makes people feel good about themselves. I can only imagine coming down heavy on Botox users didn’t go down well in the celebrity circles.

Of course, if you look like Cameron you would hardly need it, but then it appears what she is saying is each to their own and no one should feel they are being judged for their choices when they are just trying to turn the clock back a little. No one can stay young forever, but some people just seem to do it better than others, I have a feeling Cameron is going to be one of those who will age gracefully.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

Turning some cards around her well it’s hardly surprising that I got the 6 of wands for her. This is one lady with her finger in a lot of pies. She likes to keep busy but she also likes her alone time, But only when she has completed something. There can’t be half finished stuff around her. The two of cups shows her heart is fulfilled in love and there is a good balance there. The four of swords warns her that she has a tendency to overstretch herself work wise, so this is an area she should watch. She has appeared in many great movies and will appear in much more, this has the potential to be an exciting year for her, both personal and work wise.

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