Can a Virtual Relationship Work?
Relationships! Who wouldn’t want the perfect partner’s offerings of a happy ever after? Everyone is entitled to a happy and healthy love connection. We choose to connect with our preferred gender however we wish, not always in person apparently.
Dating sites, on-line apps and social media are an increasingly common method for meeting someone new. And on the subject of which, have you made a romantic connection with a fabulous someone whom you feel that you know intimately despite not having met?
Welcome to the virtual relationship!
And so, exactly what is it? The virtual relationship is comprised of two people who are happy to engage romantically via technology. On-line, messaging, over the phone and texting. The virtual lovebirds will have mutually disclosed much personal and intimate information about themselves to their ‘significant other.’ The relationship feels very real to them. They may have joint social media friends who they have not met either.
The getting to know each other stage in the virtual connection is likely much quicker than a traditional face to face in-person date. Some people believe it’s possible to fall deeply in love with someone they’ve never met and consider themselves to be in a long distance relationship. They have declared love for each other, and likely engage in late night bed-time cyber-shenanigans, both evidently OK with that.
Story continues below…
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The question of whether a virtual relationship can work or not has been the subject of much debate. Is the virtual relationship a ‘get out of jail free’ card for commitment-phobe’s or people who emotionally cheat on their partner?
The positives with this kind of connection can be many. Such as? No real sacrifices are necessary in order to go on a ‘date.’ Technology means that It’s possible to connect no matter where you are located. Perhaps one of you is incarcerated. One to one virtual face time means no real external distractions. There are no financial travel costs involved, no going dutch, or spending a small fortune on a new outfit or coiffure. You are able to present yourself at your on-line best since it’s possible to edit your words before pressing send. And after several months of virtual dating you will get a good virtual feel for this person and whether you want to pursue a face to face meeting, or not.
However, any red flags should be duly noted and not ignored. For example is there a significant female presence around your gentleman friend? Does he refer to a sibling type connection with someone he house shares with? He might mention he doesn’t like her much or perhaps he is helping her in some way. Another significant (an)other could play a more significant role than you are led to believe. With regards to geographical distance, do you have the funds to take the trip only to be met with excuses that It’s too expensive for them? Perhaps you arranged a date only to discover that they are suddenly plagued with sexual performance insecurities or health issues. Is your virtual beau the life and soul of the social media party but unavailable for you. After a few months of messaging and talking, you will have a general idea of what’s what!
There’s no real stigma attached to a virtual relationship these days and it can allow you to test the waters if you have not dated for a while, or if you are a little shy. Perhaps there are work or parental commitments that mean you are not as readily available as you would like. Much can be gained from a ‘relationship’ of this kind.
Diana-Julie’s Verdict
A virtual relationship can work for many, and having offered guidance to people in long term virtual relationships (10 years and 5 years respectively) some find it entirely possible to have an engaging and fulfilling love life. We are designed to be in pairs and so if it works for the two people actually in the ‘relationship’ then why not? However, there is no substitute for a real-life in-person embrace and the warm hand holding of the person you love at the end of a long and busy day.
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