Reading the Year Ahead for Cancer

A tarotscope is a horoscope that uses tarot cards to guide the astrological divination and help focus it for the reader. Here I’ve pulled three cards to illuminate what’s coming up in 2020 for Cancer.

January to April


New doors opening will have you looking at avenues you never thought would be to your liking. Let’s keep an opened mind at the opening of the year. Everything is brand new and should be such. What is past must be left in the past, as this is a time for future possibilities and events that will lift your spirits. Even Mother Nature is awakening to new things. The universal energy is at a high as the pulse of life comes back into the land. Use this energy to propel yourself forward. Age is unimportant when you are planning dreams. Never put time as a limit on things, you could ruin your chances by over analysing them. Let’s just go with the flow and relax. Watch as a level head makes things drop into place with ease.

May to September

The Magician

The Summer months may offer many roads for the traveller. However, some of these roads can be emotional or ambitions. Whatever form it takes for you the Magician offers you options. In some cases, dipping your toe in the water of areas you would not normally venture into, could offer you a whole new lease of life. Perhaps it just wasn’t the right time until now, but you will know when things feel right. Make a move on a new road and enjoy a whole new experience. It’s a year for change, and you and only take the change on board if you open your mind to the wonderful things it can deliver to you. Enough of dreaming “what if?” it’s time for actions that will put you on the right path.

October to December

Page of Wands

The closing months of the year would normally bring the feeling of closing things down. However, this year it’s about new experiences. The previous two seasons gave you opened doors, if you walked through them and took the opportunities they presented, then new things should be on your path. It can take time to adjust to change. But if we keep the curious side of our nature opened, then the rest should fall into place. Have faith in your ability to adjust to things as the need arises. People born under the sign of Cancer, are a flexible bunch. Not only can you adjust to change, but you can also become the teacher. Often adding new things into the lesson which make any project sparkle.

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As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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