Cardboard cut-out Zac Efron comes to life!
Simone Biles got more than she bargained for whilst backstage at the Rio Olympics. The teenager revealed that she has a life-size cardboard cutout of Zac Efron in her bedroom. The cheeky Olympian even admitted kissing ‘Zac’ on the cheek from time to time. You can imagine the four-time gold medalist’s delight when she was surprised on live TV by none other than her crush. Zac Efron. In the flesh!
The 19-year old has been very open about her crush on the star. and has been amazed by his support. Zac has tweeted his best wishes to the team sharing a picture of himself with Simone et al. Zac said that Simone and the gymnasts had inspired him to fly to Rio. After hearing that they were devoted fans of his. He knew that he had to offer his support. The actor posed for pictures and videos on SnapChat with Simone. The blushing athlete giggling as Zac returned the compliment by planting a peck on her cheek. Another dream realized.
Véronique’s Verdict
So which cards did Simone draws today? We have the Princess of Wands, the Nine of Swords and the Nine of Hearts. Simone has worked relentlessly to get to this point in her life and she will continue on her path with enthusiasm and courage. Simone is still quite young and lacks the wisdom born of maturity. Her energy is infectious but there is a need to control this in order that she does not come across as impetuous. I feel that it may be necessary for Simone to confront her demons in a controlled and healthy environment. Sometimes admitting that some things exist may be all that is required in order to address any issues. The Nine of Hearts shows Simone finding the Holy Grail, the ultimate in fulfillment. She should consider how life will change for her as a result of her good fortune at the Olympics. Realizing a dream is wonderful for Simone. She will continue on this upward trajectory and consider the next dream that she wishes to fulfill.
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