Carrie Fisher Will Somehow Star in the 2019 Star Wars Movie
Last March, Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed that Carrier Fisher’s scenes in the next Star Wars Episode VIII will remain unchanged despite her recent death at the end of 2016. “She’s in Episode VIII, and we’re not changing VIII to deal with her passing, said Iger of the upcoming “The Last Jedi” movie. Her performance, which we’ve been really pleased with, remains as it was.” Her death came after the star suffered a massive heart attack on a flight from London to LA. Carrie Fisher was taken ill on the flight on the 23rd of December and was taken to hospital when the plane landed.
But now her brother Todd Fisher, is claiming that his sister’s memorable character, Leia Organa will also be appearing in Star Wars Episode IX. Directors had originally planned to feature Carrie in Episode VII before her death but it seems she’ll now be appearing in the next movie as well. Fisher explained to the New York Daily News that along with Carrie’s daughter, Billie Lourd, he has granted Disney permission to use recent footage of Carrie in the future movie. A CGI recreation of the actress presumably still wouldn’t be involved as previously announced. Todd stated, ‘Yes, how do you take her out of it?’ And the answer is you don’t,” said Fisher at the opening night gala of the TCM Film Festival in Los Angeles. “She’s as much a part of it as anything and I think her presence now is even more powerful than it was, like Obi Wan, when the saber cuts him down he becomes more powerful. I feel like that’s what’s happened with Carrie. I think the legacy should continue.”
Fisher didn’t know how Disney would incorporate Leia into the script, but it seems as if unused and unseen footage from “The Last Jedi” and “The Force Awakens” would be repurposed for her return in Episode IX in 2019. In any case, Fisher believes Disney and the filmmakers will “do great things.” According to Disney’s schedule, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” will be released Dec. 15 and the still untitled “Episode IX” is slated for 2019.
Will Star War Fans Be Happy with Leia Scenes In 2019 Movie?
Susan Z’s Conclusion:
The High Priestess Inverted (Upside Down)
This card represents a self-sufficient woman but sometimes isolated and alone. I believe it represents Carrie Fishers energy she will take into the movie. I also feel Star War fans will be glad to see her in the movie but feel very melancholy about her appearance. Approval rating from fans also depends on how well they digitally insert her into the 2019 movie.
Seven of Swords:
The card represents avoidance of responsibility and commitments. This might indicate that even though the studio seems to have intentions of continuing on with the Leia character for the 2019 movie, it might prove to be a bigger challenge script wise or technically and reconsidered.
The Lovers Inverted: The card represents love between two people….in this case with Carrie’s die hard Star War fans love affair with Princess Leia. Since the card is inverted, I would say this indicates regardless of how it is done, her fans would love to see her in the movie and even if not technically perfect, will still be thrilled!
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