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Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell opens up on her greatest battle.

Catelynn Lowell

Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell opens up on her greatest battle.

Catelynn Lowell has opened about her battle with post-Partum depression. Depression is one of the great unspoken things which for generations was misunderstood and shoved under the carpet out of sight. Thankfully today, people are encouraged to talk about things. With Catelynn it affected her marriage, which is the norm when things go wrong with one of the couple. There was a huge breakdown in communication between them. Her husband Tyler Baltierra claimed he didn’t know how to communicate with her as they had never experienced this before.

To Catelynn and Tyler,
It’s a credit to both of you that you have come out the other end of this. Neither of you is to blame, as depression has no rhyme or reason. It just happens, and we must deal with it. Many lesser relationships would have fallen at the first post. But, you two didn’t. There is no point in pointing fingers and blaming either yourself or the other party for handling it wrong. You are not professionals, and there are no instant cures for this. We must learn by experience.

Let’s throw out a few cards Catelynn and see what they say is in store for you.

The Three of Wands
This is the energy that drives us in our daily lives, both in work and play. Your body had been through a lot in childbirth, and it needed time to heal. Unfortunately, society rarely allows us this time because it expects us to be up and running as soon as the baby arrives. This can test the strength of any relationship, as it is a hard blow to contend with for both parties. Luckily in your case, you managed to work through it.

The Chariot Card
Here is the card of balancing the negative and the positive. It is a constant battle between the two for most people, but for someone after childbirth, the battle is more intense. It is battling with your responsibility to your baby, and your responsibility to yourself, and trying to keep everyone happy. The chariot card, tells us of this tug of war, but it is a natural one, and just as natural as the act of childbirth itself.

The Four of Cups 
This is the card of love, and you have this in abundance. It is obvious that you were knocked off balance by the depression, and it was love that brought you back to where you needed to be. The outlook is very good on this. You can both look forward to a more balanced happy future. If you made it through this, you can make it through anything. It’s onwards and upwards.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

At this stage Catelynn, you have been through the worst of it. I’m sure Tyler got a fright, but fatherhood is a tough game. During this game, he must learn to some up against problems and see them through. But the rewards will be huge and worth every effort both of you put into it. This new year is yours for the taking. It’s still early days in your life together, so most of the fun things are still happening. Remember that these are the memories you will look back on with a smile in years to come. June has a special significance here, and a reason to smile. Look forward not backwards.

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