Christie Brinkley and John Mellencamp. Did politics get in the way of love?
Christie Brinkley and John Mellencamp. Surely the rumor mill can’t be true. Married numerous times this serial wife and serial husband seemed to be itching to find another excuse to sample the delights of wedding cake. So what happened? Evidently, they’re still friends since they continue to defend each other publicly. Is their relationship breakdown really due to political persuasion?
Christie the Democrat and John the extreme Democrat were a fun couple. A perfect match you would think in terms of political persuasion.
Christie reportedly enjoyed engaging within the social circles of the Hamptons. John on the other hand, was accused of being a redneck who did not appear to engage very well in certain social gatherings, the Hamptons were a particular no-no for John who has been described as a chain-smoking anti-war, pro-gay marriage country singer. John has sung about political correctness gone mad.
Although friends say that distance was the culprit between Christie and John, I wonder if it was someone more. The so called ‘sources’ can say whatever they wish, the bias very much depending on whether they’re camp Brinkley or camp Mellencamp!
Véronique’s Verdict
Christie and John drew the Seven of Wands, the Princess of Wands and the Nine of Pentacles. I feel that there is a challenging energy to this couple, revealed by
The Seven of Wands. On paper they are a perfect match. Politics and red-neck remarks aside, this is one couple who is not afraid of courting controversy in order to defend not only a particular belief but also the other person.
The Princess of Wands indicates a spontaneity within this connection, there is a liberation that allows each to move forward without fear. There may be a drama and theatric’s but I do feel that the intentions towards each other are for the higher good.
The Nine of Pentacles shows an independence within the friendship of Christie and John. This is not so much about the money rather more about freedom of choice. I feel that the couple will continue on their path at this time. The feminine power seemingly taking the lead moving forward.
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