Clear your space from negative energies
There are times when we feel stuck, that things are not progressing or that our space is cluttered even when everything seems to be organized. For those moments, it is interesting and useful to know some very simple rituals or tips that help us have our spiritual space just as clean as our physical one!
Some of these tips and tricks can make a huge difference even if they seem to be small! Keep reading to learn easy, effective and inexpensive ways to dispel stagnant energy, clear up negative energies attached to your home or working space and get things to move and flow just as they should!
The Sweeping Method
This is one of my most used and it works great when your home feels a bit dense, you are under a lot of stress or pressure or you’re having more arguments than usual. All you need is some salt, parsley, a broom and a dustpan and you’re good to go!
Sprinkle some salt on the floors in every room focusing your intent in making it absorbe all negative energies and some parsley to dispel all evil that might be attached. You may want to add a little chant to it, like “As salt falls here, my space becomes clean. Where parsley has been, no evil comes in.” Let it sit for a few minutes and then start sweeping from the furthest point from the main door towards the main door. When you’re done, take out the trash straight away and enjoy your energetically renewed space!
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The Noise Method
Noise is known to dispel stagnant energy and make it move. When the space feels charged, you can simply clap a few times with the intent of clearing the blocks or perhaps you can play a singing bowl around the room or rooms, visualizing how the energy flows as you play. This simple method will help you feel fresh!
The Spray Method
Boil some rosemary just as if you were making yourself a cup of tea. Make sure it is a saturated infusion, so you can go a bit wild with the amount of rosemary that you’re boiling, add some salt to the mixture and stir it until it’s dissolved. Let it cool down and put it in a spraying bottle. Now you can spray some of this cleansing mixture when you need to clear the space or even add it to your normal physical cleansing routine. You can even spray it on yourself when you feel that some negativity has been following you for a while. It is an effective, inexpensive and very practical method to keep your energetic self all dolled up!
(READ: What Happens When We Spiritually Wake Up?)
Sibyl’s Verdict
Sometimes, our energetic or spiritual spaces are a bit neglected, but they will be no more with these super easy and affordable cleansing methods.
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