Common Love Tips: Truth Or Cliché?

You’ve probably heard the love tips before: That you should wait for a couple of days after you meet someone to call, that you cannot give the impression of being available all the time or that you shouldn’t have an intimate encounter until the third or fourth date.

But, what’s true and what’s not? Are they just outdated clichés that are more tradition than anything? Is there some actual insight that can be used in a real relationship? Perhaps they are true but very misunderstood? Keep on reading and discover what is going on with these!

1. Wait a couple of days before calling (False!)

Before I get started, there’s a difference between calling someone you’re interested in and saying “You have the eyes of my future children” early in the relationship. If you like someone and you feel like calling, just do it! There’s nothing wrong with showing an interest that you have. The important thing is how you react to what happens.

If you call and ask them out on a date and they give you an excuse, that’s an answer – and it’s a no. If they tell you that they can’t and they will call you back to reschedule, let them do that, and if they don’t, it’s also a no!

Story continues below…

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2. Don’t give the impression of being available at all times (True!)

Yet, it has nothing to do with the impression that you give or don’t. It’s about you! If you keep your schedule clear just in case your romantic interest feels like doing something together, you’re opening the gates to disappointment! If they want to meet you and you can’t, they’ll be happy to reschedule to a time and date that fits you both! On the contrary, if you leave it all empty so you have all the time for that potential date to happen and it doesn’t, you’re still left without a plan and feeling really upset!

3. Don’t Woo-Hoo until [insert time] (False!)

As long as you’re woo-hoing with protection and consensually, do as you please! While it can be true that jumping straight into sex may get you caught between the sheets too intensely and leave little room for you to learn more from each other because you’re too busy getting to know each other biblically, an early sexual encounter doesn’t discourage someone who is really interested in you! If you’re holding sex hostage in an attempt to gain interest, consider giving it a second thought.

4. Wait for them to be the first to call / text after the first Woo-Hoo (False!)

This one abides by the same rules than the first one. If you liked it, say it! If you want to see them again, say it! There’s nothing wrong, desperate or not dignified in being true to your feelings. You are not being ridiculous for being honest and the worst-case scenario is that they are not in the same page than you. Just be ready to accept a no for an answer and do not insist on complicating things that are actually easy! If they don’t answer, chances are they don’t want to answer!

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Mia is a Tarot and Lenormand reader and mentor with vast experience in the Occult. Her calling is to guide others through the most turbulent times in life as well as provide answers.

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