Crystal Healing for a Broken Heart

On Monday I wrote about the importance of the Heart Chakra and loving through it. Today I want to write about mending a broken heart through crystal healing.

In this therapy crystals and gemstones are placed on and around the body with the intention of drawing out energy that does not serve the higher self. Crystals act as a conduit for positive healing energy allowing it to flow in, diminishing the negative as it flows out.

Crystals and gemstones continue to maintain their value as a tool for therapeutic healing and energy work, and they work to increase our vibrational levels. This method is considered an alternative therapy and many practice it with absolute belief. It is known to work in reducing ailments and protecting against disease although there is no scientific evidence to prove this.

The Rose Quartz is considered one of the luckiest crystals, incorporating powerful healing energies to balance the heart Chakra, bringing healing, and a feeling of peace within ourselves and the world.

The Rose Quartz ‘love crystal’ promotes self-love and self-acceptance with the innate feeling that all will be well. The gentle properties of this stone are believed to attract a romantic kind of love, a universal love as the heart Chakra opens to embrace inner healing, friendship, and feelings of peace whilst restoring balance.

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It’s the stone of unconditional love, the love that allows our consciousness to rise higher. It helps to lower stress and dis-ease that may manifest into physical symptoms, removing negative emotions that do not serve us.

And since this wonderful crystal holds a romantic energy, with the power to attract more of the kind of love that you would like in your life, then you can be hopeful of attracting love on all levels through a harmonious relationship with a potential mate.

Healing therapy is a very powerful medium that treats the mind, body and spirit. A crystal therapy session can last up to an hour, possibly even longer and you can expect your crystal therapist to work on the seven major Chakra’s throughout the session. It can reduce any feelings of helplessness that may be due to trauma or crisis. Any limiting self beliefs causing blockages to the flow of energy can be recognised as such and then released allowing healing as a whole.

Healing following loss, such as bereavement or any other type of abrupt separation can bring with it a feeling of acceptance and an understanding that those left behind need to go through their own individual period of transition. Some people describe the pain of heartbreak as a literal feeling of physical pain, as though the heart is breaking into a million pieces.

Everyone handles grief differently and you do not need to set a time limit on the healing process, nor should you overthink matters, rather have faith that the healing energies of the Rose Quartz will go where they are needed.

Diana-Julie’s Verdict

For anyone suffering from a broken heart. Time is a healer, and so is the Rose Quartz. The Rose Quartz brings a gentle soothing energy that raises self-esteem and helps to reduce the hurt and upset that is associated with heartbreak. The fact that someone may consider this kind of healing shows the intention to move on believing that there are happier more positive times ahead. Another stone to consider is the Amethyst, one of many crystals that soothes and supports those dealing with the aftermath of painful emotional experiences. The Amethyst is associated with the third eye. It offers clarity as emotional pain is addressed calmly and directly helping dissolve and remove remaining emotional baggage.

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Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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