Is Daniel Radcliffe coming back to Harry Potter?
Daniel Radcliffe has disclosed that he is leaving the way opened to playing Harry Potter again. I really hope he means an adult Harry Potter which would leave me to wonder, how long does a wizard have to attend wizard school to qualify to go around waving sticks at people and using household cleaning equipment as a means of transport? It will be interesting to see just how this is going to work, as, in case you haven’t noticed, little boy Harry is displaying some facial hair these days.
And he’s not the only one, Ron Beasley and Hermione Granger has sprouted a little bit too. So the thoughts of the three of them running around the corridors of Hogwarts in school uniforms is a little disturbing. But I’m only joking. He has stated in an interview with Radio Times that he wouldn’t rule out playing the wizard boy again, but I hope there is an adult role there somewhere because time waits for no man or boy. Even Harry Potter.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
And what do the Tarot cards say for Daniel Radcliffe? Well Daniel got The Chariot Card, which can sometimes be described as the tug between good and evil, and given the man is still in his twenties he has managed to stay on the good path which unfortunately a lot of child actors stray from as they get older. The Lovers Card shows someone who is intelligent enough to know his own mind. He has plans for the future and is not afraid of making difficult choices if he knows it’s in his best interest. The Ten of Coins is exactly the reason I believe Daniel will go places in the future. He is grounded and of a homely nature. The world is still new to him, but he appears to have a good handle on it already. Because of his youth, there will be many doors opening for Daniel in the future, Watch this space.
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