What is Bachelorette’s Desiree Hartsocks and Chris Siegfrieds good news?

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsocks and Chris Siegfrieds have just announced the arrival of their first baby a boy. He made his appearance on Wednesday, October 19th and weighed in at 8 pounds. They have announced that his name will be Asher Wrigley Siegfried. By all accounts, Mother and baby are doing well as the new family prepare for their life together. What more could you ask for in this world?

To Desiree Hartsocks and Chris Siegfrieds.

Congratulations Desiree and Chris. You have started an amazing journey. I’m sure there will be many people jumping out of the woodwork giving advice. Things that worked for their baby and things that didn’t, but babies are little people and are all different. What works for one will not always work for another. Play it by ear and find your way one step at a time. Then just wait for little Asher to reveal his true nature and the person he will grow into. Every year will be a revelation and every day a learning curve, but I’m sure you will do just fine.

Let’s throw out a couple of cards for you and your newfound journey.

The Ten of Coins. This is very apt. it is what I like to call the nest builders card. It may say coins which some would think is money, but it is things of value, such as your home. It’s a time for getting it into shape for the little whirlwind that is coming called Asher. The home will never be the same again. It will be better. It will be a real home with real love and the centre of attention will be your little bundle.

The Four of Cups.
Four is the number of stability and balance. The cups represent love and emotional issues. This card spells emotional balance. Happiness prevails. No matter what the world throws at you, you will be distracted enough by the happiness that you will bounce over it. The first year of someone’s life is like watching a rosebud open. One leaf at a time, until it finally reveals the wonderful flower that is unique to them.

The Fool Card. This doesn’t mean you are a fool. It means you are on a learning curve. There is much to be learned and as any new parent will tell you, there are no manuals. Part of what you learn will be useful on the next one and part of it won’t. Why? Because each one is unique. Just as unique as the person they will grow to be.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

Well, in this incident it’s unusual. Because there is very little the cards can tell us about the next year, that common sense won’t deliver. It is the beginning of a new era. The surprise that it holds is well worth the waiting. As the cards said, there is no rule book. Asher is your own special creation. Bits of him will remind you of both of you, and then bits of him will confuse you. This is the joy of the journey.
Once again folks. Congratulations from all here at 7th Sense Psychics.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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