Part Two in a Mystical Workings DIY series
Thank you for taking the time to read part two in my series on performing your own mystical workings. In this installment, I share with you the correspondences for the days of the week and the importance of the various moon phases. I will also share with you what is probably my most frequent “go-to” working.
Just as with the colors I wrote about previously, each day of the week holds a special significance for mystical workings. The importance is not limited to magic, though. If you have an important conference call or need to have a serious conversation with someone, do it on Thursday if you can. This will help to aid in each person involved being more open to receiving what the others have to say and reduces the chance for miscommunication.
Days of the week
- SUNDAY is best for spiritual strength, identity, notoriety/fame, ability, gratitude, growth, healing
- MONDAY is best for divination and prophecy, intuition/insight, dreams, emotions, home and family matters, medicine, healing, cooking, fertility
- TUESDAY is best for protection, power, sexuality, courage and strength, victory, success, initiation, rebellion
- WEDNESDAY is best for money and commerce, transportation and travel, study and academics, art, communication, memory, writing, change
- THURSDAY is best for wealth/abundance/prosperity, career and jobs, friendships, wisdom, joy, growth, optimism, communication, legal matters, knowledge, consciousness
- FRIDAY is best for love/romance/sex/passion/intimacy, relationships, beauty, harmony, pleasure, birth, gentleness
- SATURDAY is best for esoteric/occult knowledge, banishing, protection, cleansing, elimination, endings, closure, relief, releasing, service, boundaries
Story continues below…
Along with black cats, the other thing most commonly associated with witches and witchcraft is the moon. A tremendous amount of power can be found within the moon, so any working timed with the different moon phases is greatly enhanced. Following are some of the most commonly held beliefs about the moon phases:
Moon Phases
When the moon is barely visible in the sky, if at all
- Generally the time to rest and recharge as well as healing
- A good time for workings regarding harmony/peace/calm and creativity
When the moon is growing larger
- A good time for workings regarding growth and forward progress
- A good time for increase and abundance, money draw, positive connections and good health
When the moon is whole
- The most powerful time of the month for the moon
- A good time for attracting and manifesting your desires
- Self-exploration, spirituality
- An excellent time for banishing and ending negative situations and behaviors
When the moon is growing smaller
- Energy is decreasing
- A good time for workings to remove obstacles and to dispel negative situations
- Eliminate bad habits and/or addiction
There is a favorite go-to working (spell) I use quite frequently, especially this time of year, that requires no tools or special timing. I also encourage my clients to try it for themselves to test their own abilities and effectiveness. If you find yourself circling a crowded parking lot or car park, speak the following words while visualizing a good parking spot opening up: “Goddess Mother, please lift up your face and find for me a parking space.”
I think in all the very many years I have used this, it only failed me twice. Both times I was a bit distracted by inquisitive teenagers.
As I wrote in the previous installment, none of the information contained herein is a guarantee of success in your mystical workings. This is informational only. Please look for my next story in this mini-series that will include instructions for workings to aid you in attracting a romantic partner and one to bring an old lover back.
I once was told that I’m a Medium
Dead people come to me and tell me things, I’m sort of used to it now.
This is great, Sylvie. Some people find it rather overwhelming and never get used to it. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings and happy new year.