Part Four in a Mystical Workings DIY series
In this next edition of my mini-series on performing your own magical workings, I will reveal the steps required to attract new love. This is a powerful working that will connect you with the person you desire and bring them close to you.
To attract a new love, you will need the following:
- Two pink candles
- One red candle
- Rose incense
This working is best performed at the new moon and will be worked on for about 20 to 25 minutes each day for five consecutive days. The candles should be either pillars or jars. If you choose jar candles, remove all graphics (if there are any). You can easily remove the graphics by either soaking the jar candle in warm water for about 30 minutes until you can easily wipe it off or you can use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove it. While unscented is preferred, scented will do if that is all you can find.
On the first day, set each of your items before you on a safe, flat and sturdy surface. Place the red candle at the back, furthest away from you. Then set the two pink candles at least three inches in front of the red one and about five to six inches apart from each other. Set the incense (cone or stick would be best) to the left of your candles, about four inches away.
Once you have your supplies in place, take a few moments to just sit (or stand) and take it all in mentally. Open your heart and your mind. Visualize any negative energy leaving your body and personal space. Take a few deep breaths as you form a mental image of new love coming to you.
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When you are ready, begin by lighting the incense. Ensure it is far enough from your face to prevent smoke from getting in your face and eyes. Focus on the smoke rising up and silently send up a prayer of gratitude on the smoke for your new romantic partner entering your life. Know it. Believe it. Feel it.
Now turn your attention to the pink candle to your left. This signifies you. Light the candle. Take some time to focus on the flame and see yourself in your mind’s eye standing alone looking hopefully toward someone special coming near. Next, light the pink candle to your right which signifies your new partner. As you focus on the flame, visualize this person walking toward you holding a single long-stem red rose. See them. Feel them. Know they are on their way to you. Just believe it.
When you’re ready, bring both pink candles into view at the same time and just think about new love coming to you. Speak aloud your prayer of gratitude for this wonderful new person coming to you. Sit or stand and just take it all in while continuing to express your gratitude from deep within. Once you’re comfortable that you have done what you need to do and have a good vision of this new person in your mind, you can relax and either sit by the candles or go about your business. Just allow the candles to burn for at least 15 minutes.
Repeat this process each day, around the same time, for three days. Each day, you will move the two pink candles a little closer until they are only about an inch apart on the third day.
On the fourth day, repeat the process with the exception of moving the candles closer. After you complete the final step of taking in the two candles while expressing your gratitude, light the red candle. This signifies your unity. Continue your prayer of thanks until you’re relaxed. Allow the candles to burn for at least 15 minutes.
Repeat this on the fifth day and allow the candles to each burn down fully, if possible. Know that your work is done. Frequently speak your prayer of gratitude daily until your new love appears.
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