Has Donald Trump had his last dance with Melania?

Mr Donald Trump is settling into the first week of his new job and the inauguration ceremony seems light years away.

If the Trump’s thought they were under scrutiny before, well, the body language experts have locked them away in the divorce courts and thrown away the key. Mr & Mrs Trump engaged in their obligatory inauguration dance last week, moving around in a kind of circular shuffle. Neither seemed very entirely comfortable and this has not gone unnoticed by body language expert Patti Wood who has revealed on observing Mr & Mrs Trump’s dance moves that there is no warmth or true love in their relationship and that it is unbalanced. She feels that their interaction on the dancefloor was cold compared to Mr & Mrs Obama. However, she did say that Mr Trump attempted contact with the pelvic area and that Mrs Trump pulled away.

Mrs Trump has much to learn about being first lady and despite being fluent in five spoken languages, body language seems not to be her forte.

Was Mr Trump a little too frisky in expressing his manly dance floor smooching? Was Mrs Trump’s response to her husband’s moves the body language equivalent of ‘mind the new dress dear!’ Evidently, Mrs Trump had no desire to bump and grind for the camera’s, inauguration or not, but does this mean that the experts are correct and that the married couple do not love each other (the fine line between marital love and hate aside!)

Let’s look at some cards.

Véronique’s Verdict

Mr & Mrs Trump drew the Star, the King of Wands and the Empress.

The Star
This says that there is love in the camp. This card shows a maiden cleansing her soul with poetry and art, she is in perfect accord with her spiritual gift. I don’t feel that the Trump’s considered their dance to be an issue at the time, they appeared to be more interested in members of their audience. I feel that they were being themselves, rather than attempting to emulate those before them.

The King of Wands
This is Mr Trump’s card. The stereotypical alpha male, the benevolent autocrat who dominates because he thinks he knows what is best for everyone and sometimes he does.

The Empress
This is the sensual and fertile mother figure. This card says that Melania unites her family in the most profound way and loves them unconditionally.

Today’s cards reveal that Mr & Mrs Trump have a solid relationship that works for them. Are the body language experts projecting their own wishes onto the couple? The wish that perhaps Mr Trump sees his wife purely as an object. Divorce courts? The cards say not. They are not ready to part company just yet, rather the Trumps (in particular Melania) are still getting used to their life in the spotlight on the world stage.


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Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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