Ellen Gets sued over Titi jibe

Ellen DeGeneres is being sued for mocking the name Titi on a real-estate sign. Oh come on! Ellen is my hero. I adore her show. Not that I’m taking sides or anything, but really, how could you not have a little giggle at the name TITI? Especially when followed by the word Pierce. The imagination does not have to stray too far to see why Ellen thought it deserved a mention. Really, they should be delighted that they got a mention. Just think of how much they would have had to pay for that kind of advertising.

Anyone who knows Ellens show will know that she is a true professional. Ellen has had some of the strangest people on that show, and even when having a laugh, I don’t ever remember her disrespecting anyone. I believe in my heart of hearts it’s not in her nature. She draws people to her show with her friendly and caring nature. This is why we watch her show. We all like to think she is our best friend, and that if she passed us on the street she would know us. I know she wouldn’t, but we like to think she would. But it’s her fun nature that draws us in. she omits a wonderful light that seems to captivate people. Please don’t change your way of doing things Ellen. We love it.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say for Ellen? Ellen drew the 10 of wands, the four of wands and the three of cups. These cards show Ellen is a true professional and will not back down easily. The four of wands shows that Ellen believes in balance and fairness, which would back up my sentiment about her never, being intentionally abusive. The three of cups shows that this will in no way change the nature of the show or the woman we all love to tune in and watch. Keep up the good work Ellen.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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