Celeb News

Bridezilla Emilia Bechrakis finally marries Ryan Serhant.

Emilia Bechrakis Ryan Serhant Married

Bridezilla Emilia Bechrakis finally marries Ryan Serhant.

The 31-year-old bride-to-be and her dashing fiancé have finally made it to the alter. With what looked like no expense spared, Emilia Bechrakis, with the assistance of her ‘patience of a saint’ Wedding Planner to the stars, Kevin Lee, not to mention her father’s generous donation to the church, arrived at the church in time to say ‘I do’ to the love of her life.

We saw Ryan’s best efforts as he tried to do his bit. He converted to Emilia’s religion; he booked flights to the Greek Island specifically for the church… that had been double booked. He eventually admitted that there was no plan B. Oh dear!

To say that Emilia was stressed would be something of an understatement. Organizing a wedding can be stressful at the best of times and quite rightly, it is every young bride’s right to feel like a princess for the day.
Luckily her father managed to ‘donate’ a chunk of money to the church, from Ryan’s bank account no less and the wedding went ahead at the final hour. I wonder what happened to the other wedding party?

So Emilia had her perfect day after all. Let’s leave the last word to Emilia, ‘You wait your whole life to find someone that will do everything for you and I realised that he will, he always will, and that means everything to me,’ So what’s next for the couple, do we hear the patter of tiny feet?

Véronique’s Verdict

The couple drew the Five of Wands, the Lovers Card and the Six of Swords.

The Five of Wands reveals quite a confrontational energy and much anger and frustration. In this instance errors of judgment were admitted and wisdom prevailed. Emilia was upset, Ryan held his hands up and a compromise was made.

The Lovers is quite literally the happy couple. Millions of dollars aside, this couple are connected on a soul level and I feel that they have a good grounding for the future.

The Six of Swords is representative of the successful navigation of the choppy waters, the calm that follows the storm. It feels quite symbolic of life’s journey and the continued adventure in which they will find themselves. Future travel is the theme here rather than starting a family. Watch this space!

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