Fired FNC Anchor Eric Bolling Son Commits Suicide Hours After Announcement

Sometimes personal f**k ups have a way of spilling over into every area of your life. This loss of life will be a heavy burden for a father to carry for the foolishness of ill thought out sexual pictures and texts. Teenagers often have fragile emotional foundations, to begin with and one might never know of what the relationship was between Eric Bolling and his son for him to take it so personally the shameful failure of his father. Some of the tweets Eric sent on Twitter the day of his son’s suicide shed some light but not much:
#2:45 pm PT “Adrienne and I are devastated by the loss of our beloved son … Details still unclear.” he continued … “authorities have informed us there is no sign of self-harm at this point. Autopsy will be next week. Please respect our grieving period.”
#12:40 pm PT — well placed FNC sources tell TMZ that Eric Chase died from a drug overdose. We’re told he was having a hard time dealing with the trouble his dad was having at the network. Our sources say he was extremely embarrassed by the stories and was “emotionally upset.”

Eric Chase’s father, Eric Bolling, cable channel entertainer with FNC parted company after the co-host of “The Five” allegedly sent lewd text messages to co-workers along with photos of his genitals. Bolling vowed to clear his name but the timing suggests it might have been too much to handle for his son. Fox news channel issued the following statement … “We are very saddened to hear of the passing of Eric Bolling’s son. Eric chase was a wonderful young man and our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Bolling family.”

An internal investigation is under way as to whether Bolling sent those unsolicited lewd text messages to female colleagues. “Fox news channel is canceling “The Specialists, and has parted ways with Eric Bolling amicably,” a Fox news spokesperson said in a statement to MIC. “We thank Eric for his 10 years of service to our loyal viewers and wish him the best of luck.” Bolling had been absent from Fox news since Aug. 5, the day after a bombshell report in HuffPost that alleged he had sent unsolicited photos of male genitalia to at least three female colleagues at Fox news and Fox business. Bolling has denied the charges made against him and also has threatened to sue reporter Yasher Ali for defamation. Ali and HuffPost editor in chief said they stood by the report, which had 14 sources. This is not the first sexual harassment scandal for Fox News as Roger Ailes also left after a sexual harassment lawsuit from former anchor Gretchen Carlson. Before that, Bill O’Reilly.

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

One can never really know what goes on in any person’s mind and heart when they feel existence is no longer worth the effort. Embarrassment and bullying for a teenager is high on the list of those reasons. Let us hope that through this personal embarrassment of Bolling and then the loss of his son over it, will make him re-evaluate his life to the better.

Queen of Cups: Inverted (Upside Down)
Energy of someone who is sensitive and has empathic abilities. This may represent Bolling’s son Chase and not having the ability to “shake” off negativity sent his way, being too sensitive to criticism.

Nine of Swords:
Depression and sadness. I believe this card shows Bolling’s son was already suffering from both of these and this just caught him at his weakest moment.

The Empress: Inverted
Loving and nurturing energy and sometimes wife issues. Pulled inverted, it obviously points out there was already serious family support issues going on here and isolation being felt by the son.


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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