Fast and Unexpected Changes From the Eight Of Wands

Whenever the Eight of Wands shows up, there is a “hold onto your hat!” energy that permeates the reading. It can fall into the category of being blindsided by unexpected news or one day my life is this way, today it is now completely different. Regardless of whether it is a life lesson of challenge or a wonderful feeling of happily ever after, it comes swift and it is useless to resist the pull or push to where your soul and the universe are taking you. You wrote it and now the powers that be are making it happen fast! Timing is everything! Possibly you dragged your feet a little too long or it was just time. Either way, there is usually no point in thinking about future planning; it just happens and here NOW!

The Eight of Wands says the struggles that you have been dealing with have now all but cleared and you will have the freedom and space to now move forward with your plans. This particular card is definitely one of those cards that scream, “be careful what you ask for!” The Eight of Wands is a forceful card, moving with a high level of energy that propels you to reach your goals at a much faster pace than possibly planned. You can expect to be very motivated, very busy, and very goal oriented but it can also sneak up on you in those famous words; “Wow! Didn’t see that coming!” But usually it is good news and good energy. The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams.

The Eight of Wands reversed might also suggest that you are moving a little too fast in making your plans a reality. This could be in a relationship, business deal or a big dream you have on the horizon. Most of the caution comes from not being prepared and have not done all your homework. You can easily get caught up in the “reaching for the gold ring” and not finishing the projects you already started. The message here is not to leave one project unfinished before you get all hyped up about the next one and leave behind a trail of unfinished projects. It can also be a cautionary message to hold off on a new project or idea until it becomes a little more stable.

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In general, when this card appears, everything up to a certain point in your life seems like it has been moving like molasses and then suddenly everything is in high gear at once. Patience is a good word to bring up here, enjoying any down time you are in for when the energy picks up, you will be wishing for those quiet times.

Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

Career: The Eight of Wands shows that you are more than likely in a holding pattern where others are making all the major decisions on your job. When opportunity does come, it will usually come at you pretty fast and sometimes will be completely unexpected.

Love: Where love is concerned, the Eight of Wands shows you are ready to be in a relationship but it just seems like nothing out there is moving towards you fast enough. Once again, patience is the big word here for when it does show up, your life gets turned upside down quickly. The less you stay focused on “when?” will it show up, the faster it will when you stay busy with your own life and interests until the timing is right.

Money: When this card shows up in finances, it inevitably means one of two things; money is going out faster than it is coming in and an advisory to be more frugal with your spending or an unexpected turn of finances that you didn’t see coming. That could swing either way, an unexpected loss of your job or getting a surprise raise or inheritance.

Health: Getting the Eight of Wands in health show an impatience for an answer to a health issue that has been strongly on your mind. You may be anxiously waiting for test results. Now is the time to think positive; educate yourself, do internet research and if not satisfied with one opinion, get another. More than likely, everything will turn out just fine and in your favor.

Spirituality: Getting the Eight of Wands in spiritual searching, indicates there are trust and faith issues that need to be addressed as a lack of patience is getting in your way of surrender and divine timing for all things. Meditation and positive affirmation tracks are always helpful when soul searching for inner peace.

Susan Z’s Verdict

Expect the unexpected! Divine timing is usually not our timing or what we wish it would be. But when the stars and planets line up perfectly, your life changes come at you fast and powerful. Then you have to figure out how to adjust to them. What an adventure life is!

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Patricia Pearsall Reply

    I have a lot of Faith and trust in God other and that everything you wrote was perfect

  2. Thank u so much you answered all my prayers I would like to talk to u again

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