Four Of Wands Tarot, Moving On To An Optimistic Future

The Four of Wands is another card I like to see come up in a reading, regardless of what subject matter is being addressed. I always look at it with the perspective of moving on, sometimes in a physical sense of moving from one place to another but mostly, moving on to better times.

The Four of Wands announces celebration is coming, good times, a happy change to a more harmonious home environment and good news. This card indicates a sense of harmony and balance as well as completion and represents a coming time of peace and joy at the completion of difficult and challenging times. It definitely is what I qualify as another of the most positive cards in the tarot deck.

It often points to a marriage, engagement, birth of a child, a birthday, graduation or other types of celebration that marks a special milestone in the energy of family and home. Also finding peace in a new place to live that is away from disharmony. If you have been experiencing any disagreements with others, now will be the time to make that peace offering and focus on creating more balance in the relationship.

The Four of Wands serves as a reminder that most things in life do not come easily, so when you do accomplish a major victory, be proud of everything that you have achieved. It shows movement from one stage of life to another, transforming past mistakes and challenges to a place of peace, acceptance and happiness of self and others.

In general, this is always a very positive card in a reading, even when it shows up reversed. When it is reversed, it usually is just a heads up that you are still in the completing stage of creating what you have been wanting. Reminding you to do it with patience and keeping your wits about you.

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Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

When the Four of Wands shows up where Career is concerned, things are probably going very well. The card is saying you have earned your success but don’t take it for granted. A reminder that you will have to continue to work diligently to stay on top of your game in order to raise the bar in your career aspirations.

Where Love comes into play with this card, it usually indicates that your relationship is about to become more committed and serious with a possible potential marriage. If you’re looking for love, it shows that special events (wedding, parties, clubs or celebration ceremonies, etc.) are a good place to meet someone special now. If you are single and get invited to something like this, make a point of going!

When the Four of Wands comes up where Money is being addressed, it inevitably means your finances are probably in decent shape and also with the expectations of it getting a whole lot better. This is usually representative of your input and hard work, not very often being luck or an unexpected windfall. The card showing you to keep on plugging away and the positive rewards will definitely arrive.

If Health is a concern and you are waiting on results from a test, it most likely will be positive news. If you have been looking at your overall health and something just does not want to go away or get better, this card indicates the help you have been looking for to relieve the problem is about to show up. Persistence is the word in finding that help and of course, also asking the Universe to send you the right people and opening the doors for it to be addressed.

The Four of Wands showing up where your Spirituality is the issue, it can get a little tricky as it demonstrates you have possibly moved ahead in your awareness in life more than your friends and family. If they don’t agree with your spiritual beliefs, try to be open to “agree to disagree.” You see things differently because it is YOUR path, so be considerate of what others believe and have to say but ultimately you must embrace completely what your heart and mind tells you what is right for you.

(READ: What Your Aura Color Says About You)

Susan Z’s Verdict

The Four of Wands is a card of optimistic growth and moving forward. That is what we are suppose to be doing in this life experience. The soul craves and yearns for new experiences to teach us of self-love and the only way that happens is to not stagnate and move fearlessly forward onto something new.

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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


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