Fred Caruso passed away through Suicide.
It is sad news to hear that Fred Caruso, producer of the Broadway hit Newsical and the film Big Gay Musical, has been found dead, apparently through suicide. How sad, that someone who has given so much joy to the world, should find so little of it in their own life. Mental health issues are, in recent years, starting to come to the forefront of media and it’s about time. No one should feel they can’t speak up when they are not coping in this world. No one should feel they can’t reach out for help but sadly too many do, and all too often.
Fred left a note saying his goodbyes through the BGMS as he said Facebook don’t do delay messages. He gave his thoughts on his life and how he was always incredibly lonely. This is something I have found in many happy outgoing people over the years. Sometimes they use their smile to hide a multitude. People like me, who use energy throughout our lives can sometimes be quick to pick up on this, although you have to allow people their privacy and you can’t charge in, demanding they tell you what’s happening.
Out of respect, I won’t draw cards on Fred, as he has completed his journey in this world and has left his legacy. In my belief, he is now in the world of Spirit. All that was good in him still is. He no longer exists in the physical but in the ball of energy that was his individual light and personality. The light that his loved ones knew only too well as Fred, does not extinguish with the heartbeat, but takes its place in the world of Spirit, leaving the worries and strains of this world behind. The tragic thing about this is the things he was yet to achieve haven’t been. The book is now closed on this. A story that makes for great reading. It should have been a few chapters more. Rest In peace Fred Caruso.
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