Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
There is an age-old saying, “Patience Is a virtue.” I have no doubt you have heard it at least once before today, but have you ever really thought about what it means? I sure haven’t because more often than not, when someone says that to me, all I hear, “Chill. Calm down.” This sentiment is a reflection upon someone’s ability to wait for something. By calling patience a virtue, it leads people to believe an ability to wait without agitation is an admirable quality.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: The Hermit
Quite often when The Hermit turns up for you in a daily draw, it is indicating a time for you to step outside of any trying situation to simply take a beat and get your head and heart in order. This card suggests that some time alone, without any outside influence, will help you to get some things straight and to be more objective going forward following a break from life in general. We all need time alone at some point simply to regroup and recharge. The Hermit may indicate that you are entering a period of soul searching, self-reflection and spiritual enlightenment. At some point in adulthood, every one of us goes through at least one period of time when we need to just step outside of ourselves to find a greater understanding of who we truly are. It is possible you have been trying to gain an understanding of what your purpose is here on earth, your true calling and where you are headed in life. It may be a time to fully reassess your values and get your moral compass set back to true north. If you have been dealing with an overly stressful time or extremely difficult life situation, The Hermit may come up for you suggesting you just take some time to yourself to get back on track. Maybe you find yourself at a place in life where you simply want to withdraw from people and society in general for a bit. While there is nothing wrong with this as we all need a break from time to time, you must also know your limits and when the benefits of time alone begin to turn negative. When representing a person, The Hermit speaks of someone who is mature, wise, possessing of great knowledge. It also talks of a person either needing or seeking out the assistance of a counselor, therapist or some other mental health professional. The Hermit may come up to give you permission to focus on yourself and meeting your own needs for a while. And finally, this card may turn up in a daily draw as a warning that you are allowing yourself to be a bit too withdrawn from family, friends, society as a whole and all of this can lead to a very serious battle with depression if left unchecked.
Tarot Card Draw #2: The Empress
The Empress card usually speaks on matters of femininity, motherhood, compassion, pregnancy and your own nurturing side. Each, as always, will be determined by the other cards in a full reading while in a daily draw, it depends upon the current circumstances in your life. For men who get The Empress in a daily draw, it is encouraging them to be a bit more compassionate in dealing with difficult people; maybe try to see things a bit more from the other person’s viewpoint as well as work to improve the communication with your own children. Also, it could come up during struggles with younger people, especially his own children. Be more patient, compassionate and understanding. For a woman of child-bearing age, it may herald pregnancy. It also may come up encouraging you to be more in touch with your own children … be a bit more open, patient and understanding. For any person (male or female) getting this card in a daily draw, it may mean that you very much need to get in touch with your own intuition and pay more attention to what your own spirit guides are saying directly to you. Trust your gut feeling. If you are not a parent and that is not a concern of yours at this time, this card may turn up for you encouraging you to be more in touch with your softer side and explore your emotions and inner feelings. Lastly, The Empress will turn up indicating people will be feeling drawn to you as they are seeking your compassion, understanding and simply how you make them feel comfortable, understood and safe.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Three of Swords
Among the meanings indicated by the Three of Swords is a love triangle. This is quite often the case in a love reading and it may serve as confirmation in a daily draw if you have been suspecting your significant other of being unfaithful. The Three of Swords will also speak on depression, loneliness, heartache, unhappiness, sorrow and an overwhelming sadness in a daily draw. If you have not already found yourself in the midst of any of these situations, then brace yourself because things are about to be quite dark for you emotionally. At the same time, this card can be a “forewarned is forearmed” card and could help you avoid such a negative and oppressive situation. This card also talks of grief, loss and the shedding of many tears as well as any other emotionally distressing time. Whatever situation is being foretold by the Three of Swords, you can expect a time of great upset, upheaval and possibly overwhelming confusion. Other less emotional indicators of the Three of Swords are general hardship, difficult situations that may cause tremendous stress, conflict, major misunderstandings, overwhelming distraction and disillusion. Because many of the situations spoken of by the Three of Swords may affect you on a deep emotional level, this is not the time to simply try to suck it up and soldier on. Rather you need to take some time to process your emotions and allow for significant healing. Alternatively, the Three of Swords could indicate a test of strength and just how much you can take and still hold your up and work to move forward. Do not just wallow in the mess, try to find the lesson so the experience is not wasted. Also, never be too ashamed or too afraid to simply ask for help.
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