Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles in your tarot draw is a very positive card. It is indicative of positivity, fresh starts, and new adventures. You are in a great place in your life to begin something new, as it will be highly successful. If you have recently begun a new project, recently moved into a new home, started a new career, or have made some kind of change in your life, the Ace of Pentacles is a positive omen, indicating that whatever venture you have gotten into will be successful. If you are seeking guidance in your love life, the Ace of Pentacles likely indicates you will soon meet someone new and exciting, and you will have a very fulfilling long term relationship. This new partner will be someone who has similar needs, and meets most if not all of your criteria for a partner. If you are already in a relationship, you and your partner will soon begin a new adventure together, such as purchasing a new home, having a new child, getting married, or even something as simple as buying a new piece of furniture or adopting a new pet. Whatever change or new adventure you are about to begin, it will be successful and bring you much happiness. In your career, you might be starting a new position, or even beginning a new project. This might be something you have been looking forward to and planning for quite some time, or even just a spur of the moment decision. Whatever the situation, the end results will far surpass your expectations.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Nine of Wands, reversed
The Nine of Wands reversed in your tarot draw indicates someone who is stubborn, or just refuses to be proven wrong or make personal sacrifices. This person is sometimes very difficult to be around, but can also simply be someone who basically won’t take no for an answer and might even force generosity on someone even if they are resistant. This person is likely mentally exhausted from chronic persistence, and sometimes just does not have much strength to keep pushing. If the Nine of Wands reversed represents you, it might be presenting itself in your tarot draw as a warning to take a break, focus some on yourself, and to relax a little bit. Allow others to do things for you, be more open to suggestion, and to try to be a little more open minded. If you are seeking guidance for your love life and are in a relationship, you or your partner might possess the above qualities and they could be causing problems in your relationship. If it is you who is stubborn and/or becoming exhausted, you need to allow your partner to express themselves a little more openly, and start to bend to their needs a little bit more before anything negative happens in your relationship. If your partner is stubborn and difficult to be around, the Nine of Wands reversed might be presenting itself in your tarot draw to warn you to take a step back and create some distance between you and your partner. It could be a warning that their personality is becoming increasingly worse, or that you could be becoming less tolerant, or some combination of both of these. You could be experiencing increasing difficulties in your relationship, and need to either distance yourself or break off the relationship completely before one or both of you is hurt. If you are seeking a relationship, this card could indicate that you have been guarded for quite some time, which has made it difficult for a partner to break through. It is time to break down your barriers so that a viable partner can enter your life. If you are seeking career guidance, the Nine of Wands reversed likely indicates some kind of frustration with your career, or a particular project you have been working on that seems to be making no progress. You should take some time to reevaluate your purpose and refocus on the aspects of your career that are most important.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Lovers
The Lovers tarot card is indicative of balance, and choice. You have been faced with a decision, and need to be careful to consider all options. Sometimes, the easier choice isn’t necessarily the better choice. Carefully evaluate your options before making your decision. The Lovers are unified, balanced, and overall wholesome. You will experience balance and harmony, and will have a better grasp on your own values and morals. If you are seeking guidance in your relationship, the Lovers is a great card to see! Unlike most tarot cards which should be analyzed rather than taking them at face value, this card is very straightforward in a love reading. You have found someone with whom you are incredibly compatible, most likely even soulmates. You are very much in tune with each other and your needs, and possess the knowledge and ability to continue to keep each other feeling satisfied and fulfilled. You are supportive of each other, and coexist beautifully. If you are not in a relationship, you will likely find someone very soon who will make a great partner, or you possibly have been faced with a choice between multiple partners and must be careful to consider all options and make the correct decision. In your career, the Lovers is usually indicative of a coworker, business partner, or someone else in your career or business with whom you have a very cohesive relationship. The work flow is much better when you are able to blend your ideas and work together towards a common goal.
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