Future Success With The Three Of Pentacles Tarot
I always like to see the Three of Pentacles come up in a reading, another one of my favorite tarot messages that your hard work and good intentions are going to pay off. It shows that whatever you have been putting your effort into and if you stay focused on the prize, will pay off in your favor.
When we put out into the universe our desires and wants, it can be a tricky thing on exactly how it shows up or comes about but this card usually represents the rewards are getting ready to happen. But more than anything, the Three of Pentacles is a card of encouragement to not give up. This is card is often associated with career goals.
The message the Three of Pentacles gives, regardless of the subject matter is don’t give up, encouraging you to stay focused and determined to achieve what your heart desires. Not allowing any disillusionment or illusory circumstances that may crop up to dampen your enthusiasm and you will ultimately see unfold exactly what you have been hoping and working for.
The Three of Pentacles is especially prophetic when you are starting a new venture or trying something new that you may have been hesitant to start because of fear of failure or rejection. Once you move into that energy of, “hell, I’m going for it regardless”, this card shows all resistance falling away and helping you accomplish the end game you have in mind. You are on your way to making your life better and happier!
The reversed Three of Pentacles can sometimes represent an energy of competing with another or even yourself by raising the bar too high for you to reach feeling like a winner. It can also indicate a power struggle within yourself or with another of how something is to be done, showing a lack of cooperating with the signals the universe is giving you to complete your desired goal.
In general, the Three of Pentacles assures you that you are being appreciated for the work you are putting into a project. It encourages you to keep up the good work and that you are on the right track. If any improvement is needed, it comes in the form of adjustments rather than starting all over again.
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Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality
Where Career is being addressed, the Three of Pentacles is an extremely positive sign with regard to work and career questions. If already employed, you are noticed and well appreciated for the work you do. If you are looking for new employment, this card tells you that you can expect your job search to show successful results within a very short period of time.
In the Love and romance department, the Three of Pentacles is a good card to show up as it is giving you the heads up on a possible love interest you have in mind but has not quite developed into something serious yet. Also, keep your eyes open if you are ready for one to come in. If already in a relationship, it is a positive “thumbs up” that your partner is looking at you with good feelings where the future is concerned.
When Money is the subject being asked about, the Three of Pentacles is a very good indication that money is definitely getting ready to become better but you must also do your part to make it happen. It does not usually represent a lucky windfall but a reward for all the intentions and hard work you have put into getting your finances in better shape. Things are definitely getting ready to look up.
When we are talking Health, it indicates that you have been making healthy changes to your diet or general eating habits, even if it is just giving up the everyday soda. The Three of Pentacles shows a positive change for the better at improving you overall health and is encouraging you to stick with it.
If the card spread shows a strong indication that Spirituality is being addressed, it confirms that possibly some deep insight may be coming to you with a clear-cut desire to know more about ancient traditions and to search out non-traditional viewpoints of why we are here and what your purpose may be in this life’s journey.
(READ: Dreams Coming True With Ten Of Cups Tarot Card)
Susan Z’s Verdict
Regardless of what you are addressing in the card spread, when the Three of Pentacles shows up, it is a strong indication that things are going to work out well for you. It is definitely one of those “happy” tarot cards to get and also a reminder that whatever you have achieved, it was because of your hard-won efforts. Bravo!
This is wonderful news. I have been working hard on many different aspects of my life. I know who has the negativity around me but the only thing I can do with that is to move.At the moment I have no money to do it. I haven’t given up their. Thank you again for sharing this with me.
,Many Blessings to you, Donna