Reading the Year Ahead for Gemini

A tarotscope is a horoscope that uses tarot cards to guide the astrological divination and help focus it for the reader. Here I’ve pulled three cards to illuminate what’s coming up in 2022 for Gemini.

January to April: Two of Cups

As an air sign, socializing is something that comes as second nature to you. Each person who crosses your path brings something new to your life. Some you can walk by and others you just latch onto because you both have something to offer each other. The last few years have made us appreciate the simple things in life, and the value of people. Slowly the world is creeping it’s way back to normality. The two of cups for the first few months of the year offers companionship and support. There is a new fresh energy around you. It’s inspiring a lot of Geminis to allow their social circle and valuable contacts o grow.

May to August: Three of Wands

Mid-year seems to show a dawning of new ideas and time for personal growth. For many this could be career changes, or home changes. It’s about something that will bring you to a happier place within yourself. This is a good year for personal growth for Gemini. You may need to address the things which were causing you stress and clear them out of your way. This will take a few brave steps, but they will be well worth the effort you put in. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and just be yourself. That’s a sure way to prove to someone that you know what makes you happy and show them you are willing to work for it.

September to December: The Empress

There is no better way to end a year than with a happy heart. This year seems to close with news of additions to your emotional circle. This could be births which would be welcoming new little beings into this world. It could also come in the form of relationships for some people. Your circle of love appears to be growing. When Gemini have a happy heart, amazing things happen. You’re an air sign, and this emotion can lift you and inspire you. This is the perfect time to attempt to take on the world and achieve those things you never really had the courage to do in the past. Finishing the year in style is just the way to do it. And the emotional lift you are getting fuels your sense of adventure.

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As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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