General hospital will Aaron be the ear Kristina needs ?
July 8th saw Kristina almost come clean to Aaron about what happened, but will she do it? And even if she does will he only make things worse? Alexis is also trying to draw Julian out and let’s face it if anyone has skeletons in the closet, Julian is the man. Laura and Kevin are in doubt over Kevin disclosure, but will they get to discover the truth first hand? And is Spencer hiding something regarding the phone calls?
Soap land has normally got more questions than answers, and even for someone in my field, the answer is in the hand of someone else. Well, you can bet on one thing. It’s not a hospital you would like to check into if you had a medical emergency. Apart from the fact it’s not a real hospital and you would look a bit stupid, there is so much drama floating about you could lose an appendix by accident because everyone is totally preoccupied be all the drama going on around you. Well as long as they give me one of those machines with the bleepy things and make me look good in bed, then yep I’m cool with that. I don’t need my appendix anyhow.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards think will happen in the up and coming episodes? The Fool Card shows someone is going to have to take a big risk and just go for it. This is normally someone who really should have thought about the consequences before they took the action, like every soap star ever. The Three of Cups indicates a love triangle that is being exposed, with the usual sparks that follow. And the King of Coins is normally someone who deals in a lot of cash, not always an honest earner. This looks like there could be a lot of drama still brewing, but which characters are we talking about? Wait and see.
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