George and Amal Clooney Are Having Twins!

The perennial bachelor finally met his soul match and married Amal Alamuddin in 2014. Now George Clooney 55 is apparently ready to be a dad to twins, no less! This will be the first children for both. The actor has stated he is excited about parenthood and feels fully prepared for the boy and girl due to arrive in June. With his classic, off the cuff and well-known sense of humor, he reminded an interviewer he played a pediatrician on TV’s ER for years so he knows how to work on children in case of any accidents and already knows how to swaddle! LOL! He was not sure children were going to be in the picture when Amal and he were first married but he states he is very happy being married and having kids just seemed like the next step for them.

Apparently, both are over the moon with the news and the only bump in the pregnancy beside Amal’s baby bump on display, is picking out names. Clooney added that he and Amal haven’t chosen baby names yet and may not decide to do so until they meet the new additions to their family. Once again in his classic dry humor, he suggested “Casa and Amigos” for the twins in honor of his family’s tequila business. It is no wonder Amal immediately nixed that idea! One thing both are absolutely sure of in the baby naming game is shying away from naming the new additions from family members. With his unfailing sense of humor on everything, I am sure he will have plenty of dad jokes to share with his fans in the future.

Will George Clooney Easily Adjust To Fatherhood?

Susan Z’ Conclusion:

Six of Cups:
Represents forgiveness of past mistakes and nostalgia. I believe once his children arrive, he will ask himself why he did not do this sooner and have a little regret not doing so.

Knight of Pentacles:
Represents a solid, dependable man with a youthful outlook and energy. He will be a hands-on father and very supportive to Amal during her pregnancy and when the twins arrive and have the energy and stamina to be there every step of the way in parenthood. He will be a fun dad!

Six of Wands:
Represents victory in a situation. There is no doubt George Clooney will master the art of being a father in every category and enjoy fully his new role as a father with Amal.


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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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