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Guns and Roses reunion. Is it happening ?

Guns And Roses Axl Rose

Guns and Roses reunion. Is it happening ?

There are rumours that Guns and Roses may be having a reunion. Well, word on the street is that lead guitarist Slash has let the word out, that there are talks at the moment with regards to this happening. It all came out when the rock star gave an interview on “Aerosmith” drummer Joey Kramer’s Radio station where he gave an update on the status of the band.

No fan likes to hear of their favourite band breaking up because they take with them a lot of good memories which were wrapped around the music. There is nothing a fan likes more than to hear that they are having a reunion. It’s a time to take a step back down memory lane and enjoy the good old days once more. The good news with Guns and Roses is that everyone is getting along, as Slash says. This is always good news. All too often bands break up on bad terms and then you just have to call it a day with regards to ever getting back together. This does not appear to be the case with Guns and Roses thankfully. So all you Guns and Roses fans, keep your fingers crossed as it may be on the cards, so to speak.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

What do the cards say about Guns and Roses reunion? Well, they got The Justice Card, which makes this very possible, as this is a card of the right decisions being made with level heads. The Page of Wands signifies a new blast of energy coming in around them, rehearsals could already be on the calendar, but the Nine of Wands is high energy putting something into motion, so before the end of the summer, we should have word of this reunion in a more positive tone. Watch this space.

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