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Helen Hunt and Jody Foster mix up ?

Helen Hunt Jodi Foster

Helen Hunt and Jody Foster mix up ?

We have all done it at some stage. Walk up to a friend with a big smile and a “Hi how are you” only to be met with a confused blank stare as the awful truth dawns on you that this is a complete stranger. Well actress Helen Hunt was at the receiving end of a mistaken identity when a Starbucks worker mistook her for actress Jody Foster. Even though Helen offered to give her real name, the worker winked nodded and said we got you, and proceeded to write Jody on the cup.


Luckily Helen doesn’t have anything against Jody. Well, how could you? the woman is a legend. But Helen did have enough of a sense of humour to twitter at #JodyFoster. I wonder if Jody got the message. However, Starbucks issued an apology with a twist saying, they hope the drink was still as good as it gets. Being reference to Hunts award winning performance with Jack Nicholson. It’s a reflection on the good character of Helen Hunt that she took it in good spirits, and I just hope that Jody is not standing in a que somewhere wondering where her coffee is.


Looking at these too ladies pictures I can only feel a warmth like I was looking at friends. Their souls are caring bright ones with success both behind and ahead of them. With Helen, The Ace of Cups shows an emotionally enriching time to come, message of good news and new beginnings. With Jody, The Ten of Coins. I can see Jody in another major movie. But then this could be my wishful thinking because she is just one of those actresses who you know is going to convince you the movie is real. The Star card fell for the two of them, which normally will mean dealing with stuff you have been hovering around. But then I wonder is it a reference to Starbucks? Either way I wish both these ladies a wonderful future, and thanks to Helen for her good spirit and entertainment.

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