How A Child’s Fears Grow With Us Into Adulthood

As an intuitive counselor, life coach and emotional addiction counselor, I have seen how we as psychics and mediums use our metaphysical gifts to not only foresee ever-changing future choices but also to help adults understand their seemingly unfounded fears and heal the inner child within. I have done three times more therapy counseling in psychic readings than in my therapy practice to say the least.

I have also written children’s stories that I to my clients to help them to understand how something perceived by their buried child’s memories and emotions becomes an insurmountable fear obstacle as an adult. How fear grows from the inner child who has been wounded between the ages of two and six to an adult’s dysfunctional behavior is a relatively simple and a clean approach by the ego to stay in control and not allow soul growth. We will reach deep within as a child a take our finest attributes and turn them into survival skills to keep from placing blame on parents who are the only behavioral guides we had. Below is a simple story from the inner child’s perspective I have found very effective to get my clients to understand how a child’s fear in the belief of being unloved, unwanted, less than and wrong grows to monumental proportions in an adult’s ego psyche.

The Fierce Chihuahua

Imagine if you were two or three years old and never ventured out of your parent’s yard by yourself. You have stepped out all alone and are on the sidewalk for the first time without them. Standing on the sidewalk all by yourself feeling very brave but what comes charging up to you is a fierce little Chihuahua, barking and growling. You know how aggressive and fierce those little Chihuahua’s can sometimes be. They are very barky, charging after you sounding like they’re going to take your leg off.

To a frightened two-year-old this Chihuahua is a horrible beast that could eat them alive. Now the little child is scared and looking for her parents to protect her. But they are nowhere to be found because she has chosen to venture off on her own. She believes she has been abandoned by the very people she thought would always be there for her. So, the child does what comes naturally to all children who are in fear. She begins running for her life with this fierce little Chihuahua on her heels.

Being convinced that if she stops running from what she is afraid of, this little dog will end her life. Now begins the fearful journey that escalates in one’s life. The child is running from the barking and growling Chihuahua, unable to stop and deal with her fear because she believes there is no one to help her.

The Hell Hound

As we grow older, our survival tools become more sophisticated and wiser as we continue running for our lives. We believe that one small dog has now turned into a very fierce and formidable Doberman. We are too afraid to stop and turn around to face what we run from because all our instincts tell us the very thing we are running from will consume us. We just know that small dog is now big enough to eat an adult and has somehow turned into an even more fierce, growling and snarling Hell Hound.

You run and run and run and run from that buried truth. Finally, you get to the point in your life where you cannot run any longer. Judging by how you feel, being so exhausted and so wounded, you absolutely know the Hounds of Hell are now steadily on your heels. You have run and run and now you just can’t run anymore. We are adults but still feel like that frightened little child inside and cannot even remember exactly why. You have come to the place that you cannot go on any longer in fear, and you are willing and ready to stop and turn to face whatever you have been running from in your life or unwilling to accept. As you turn expecting to find these fierce red eyed Hounds of Hell ready to consume you, you see a small barking Chihuahua going yip, yip yip instead.

This is what I call the “DUH” epiphany moment. You realize that you have been running from something that could have been managed, if it had just had the light of truth shown on it, showing you that you are worthy enough to believe that someone cares enough to help you and be there for you.

(READ: You Can Change From Being Emotionally Needy)

Susan Z’s Verdict

Every childhood memory and experience stay in proportion to the inner child’s perspective of it. If not addressed by the now grown adult as just that, a childhood mishap that you will not let define you for the rest of your life, it will continue to throw you into a child’s unreasonable and unfounded fear of what MIGHT happen, instead of viewing life’s circumstances as an adult that can handle anything thrown at them because you are truly not alone.

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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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