The worldwide crisis that we are collectively involved in now has been very much on our minds and in some cases, has led to extreme anxiety and has taxed our coping skills immensely. It has become difficult in our digital age to decipher what is truth or fiction in most cases, with so many conflicting reports and stories either by our world leaders, the media, or both.

What we do know however, is that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues with intense losses on both sides. We are constantly subjected with the painful sight of so much suffering and it is especially difficult to see these sufferings by the innocent people who have been displaced and had their lives upended by the ravages of conflict.

Whether we know it or not, our subconscious and its complexities can many times also reflect on other stresses we are going through during times of so much uncertainty. No matter your beliefs, now more than ever, we must turn to the higher powers of our universe to bring us comfort and direction. It is through meditation or prayer that solace can be achieved.

Our inner most soulful connection with our heavens is how we can achieve and maintain the capacity to deal with so many stresses, both in our personal lives, as well as our hopes and prayers for a peaceful solution to what now seems like a world at war.

Take care of yourself and your finances

The added stresses that we are dealing with in this conflict are the soaring prices we are paying for goods and services, fuel/oil, food, and other commodities that are essential to us all.

It is important that we remember now that we all must be frugal in our spending habits so that in the weeks to come, this does not add another stressful component as far as finances. Added stresses at this time could eventually affect health, and that is why I am addressing this now.

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Astrologically, these are stressful times as well as conjunctions, alignments, and other planetary aspects are developing in this month of March.

As we endeavor to heal the divides that resides in our own beings, our universe is joining us in the endeavors as well. That is why we must sustain our mental and physical health during these dark times to ensure the cooperative process of strength and healing.

Reach and be the difference in the world

It is also important to always be aware that those closest to us are going through their internal turmoil as well, as we hold those closest to us even closer. We must collectively support each other during this crisis. This also includes friends and coworkers. Resolve issues that until at this time may have not have been resolved.

This is a time where diplomacy starts within us as sometimes, we cannot see this happening with our world leaders. This is also a time when we as a people, must be charitable to those in need. The greatest strength we have as a species is to collectively bring about change, peace, and harmony.

If you are having a hard time going through anything aforementioned, please call my extension, and I can help guide you through these most difficult and trying of times. You do not have to go through these times alone.

We are indeed living in a world in crisis, but we must also know that it is because of our combined spiritual strengths we can overcome this crisis where perhaps those politically cannot.

It is by “we the people” that have stopped conflict, wars, and political aggression. Combined with our connection to our universe we will overcome this crisis.

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