Thank you all for the warm welcome that you gave to my new series of interactive readings! I’m so glad that you enjoyed them, and so, I hope that you’re ready for the next one!

If you don’t have experience with interactive readings, let me explain real quick how it works!

All that you have to do is take a deep breath, focus on your situation, and choose one of the three cards on the image above to get your love forecast. Ready?

If you have set your eyes on a card already, the next step is discovering the message behind it! Scroll down to see the cards revealed!


Love Reading 2

If you chose number one, your card is The Five Of Cups…

The Five Of Cups can be a bit of a challenging card. If you are single and looking, you are likely to be disappointed by a new crush who could not be on the same page as you are, or could still be grieving over their last relationship. For those who are in a difficult or unclear relationship, The Five Of Cups suggests that your romantic interest will not be emotionally available for you this week and this will cause some disappointment and pain.

For those who are in a romantic relationship, The Five Of Cups can be a sign of an external situation that gets in the way of an otherwise harmonious relationship. Watch out for behaviors that are damaging for your relationship and try not to let them affect your union. It would be wonderful if you could schedule a date night this week to make sure that your relationship stays strong! If you are going through a break-up, this can be a difficult week. Let your feelings flow and don’t force anything. You need to be gentle with yourself while you accept and heal from this painful moment.

Story continues below…

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


If you chose number two, your card is The Ace Of Swords…

Good news for all that are involved in difficult or unclear situations! The Ace Of Swords is a symbol of communication and truth, and it is an herald of clarity. If you are single, you will see some movement in your love light this week and you are likely to start conversing or texting with someone interesting. If you are in a difficult “situationship”, you will see hints that, for better or for worse, will help you gain clarity regarding your situation. Pay attention to your romantic interest’s moves this week, for they will speak volumes about their actual intentions.

For those who are in a romantic relationship, communication will be key during the week. It is a great moment to have any conversations that are pending with your partner and to bring issues to light so you have the chance to work through them. Also, you can do some catching up and have some interesting conversations with your partner. If you are going through a break-up, it is not the moment to attempt any communication and you will benefit from practicing some chord cutting.

If you chose number three, your card is The Five Of Wands…

For a single person, The Five Of Wands can bring a certain amount of chaos and confusion. Perhaps you are setting your intentions on a person that is not readily available for you or who is currently involved in a different relationship. For those in a difficult romantic situation, it is time to put the cards on the table and dare to see what is really going on. Confusion will be at its peak, and even though it can be scary, you will benefit from gaining clarity as to where is this relationship heading.

Those in a relationship may have some disagreements with their partner during the week. Even if you don’t always agree with your partner, it is important for the both of you to remember that you are on the same time. Use any discussion in a constructive way and avoid personal attacks. If you are going through a break-up, you may receive confusing messages or mixed signals. Don’t take them too seriously until you see a certain consistency over time.


I wish you all a very happy week! If you want a more in-depth reading on love, career or whatever life issue is concerning you, feel free to give me a call!

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Mia is a Tarot and Lenormand reader and mentor with vast experience in the Occult. Her calling is to guide others through the most turbulent times in life as well as provide answers.

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