Interactive Love Reading

Hi guys! We’re about to welcome May already, and Taurus season is generally very propitious for all things love and sensuality! Ready for your weekly Interactive Reading?

If you don’t have experience with interactive readings, let me explain real quick how it works!

All that you have to do is take a deep breath, focus on your situation, and choose one of the three cards on the image above to get your love forecast. Ready?

If you have set your eyes on a card already, the next step is discovering the message behind it! Scroll down to see the cards revealed!


Love Reading 4

If you chose number one, your card is The Nine Of Wands…

The Nine Of Wands brings a very dense energy to the table. If you are single, you might feel overwhelmed by multiple opportunities this week or on the contrary by an extreme lack of movement in this area. Be as it may, it will be not a week for middle grounds, either you’re sunk in date propositions or you’re not getting any! Complicated relationship will get even more complicated during this week and it will seem that you are carrying all of the weight of the relationship. If it is a new connection, give it some time to see if things work out. However, if you have been in this situationship for a while, it may be time to reconsider your options.

It can also be a hard week for those in a partnership and the weight of your responsibilities as well as the stress that you are carrying from other areas of your life could take a toll on your relationship. Even if it is not the most lovey-dovey week ever, do whatever is possible to avoid releasing your frustrations on your partner and if you catch them doing so with you, take a deep breath and remove yourself from the fire. Those going through a break-up are likely to experience a relapse this week by finding out some news about their ex partner that will not sit well.

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If you chose number two, your card is The Ace Of Cups…

The Ace Of Cups brings an energy full of potential for romance! If you are single it is a wonderful time to put yourself out there or to take the initiative and make a move with this person that you have in mind. Set your “flirty” mode on and bat your eyelashes around because you’ll be extra charming this week! If you are in a situationship, you two will get closer this week and your romantic interest is likely to have a moment of intensity. Don’t take their words or actions as particularly meaningful, though, until you see that they become consistent in time!

Those in a relationship will experience a moment of feeling extra close together. It is a great time for heart to heart conversations and even for bringing difficult subjects on the table so that they can be dealt with. It is also a time for healing and forgiveness if you have been going through a rough patch, open your heart to your partner and be willing to listen to their needs as well. If you are going through a break-up, you are very likely to have a hear-to-heart with your ex that will determine the future of the relationship.

If you chose number three, your card is The Hermit…

The Hermit is bringing an energy of necessary solitude into the reading. This can be an uneventful week in terms of romance, but it is the best moment to dedicate time to yourself. As cliché as it might be, you’re probably not taking yourself on a date enough! Go to a fancy restaurant or even dedicate some time to self exploration, both physical and spiritual. However; Not all self-care is taking a hot bath! Identify the things that are toxic in your life and set up a plan to cut them off. The same principle applies for situationships. The Hermit suggests that it may be time to consider cutting off a situation that is not making you truly happy, or at least take advantage of this time of quietness to wonder where are you heading and what is that you want from your future romantic life.

If you are in a relationship, it could be a good moment to spend some time apart and reconnect to yourselves as individuals so you can dedicate some time to the things that you may be doing less of since you’re in a partnership. The renewal and the feeling of re-connection will be real! If you are going through a break-up it may be time to lock your phone under key! The temptation can be real, but it is better to not stir the pot and leave things be or there could be some ugly conversations.

Did you like your interactive reading and want more? I’m available for an in-depth reading! Catch me at the 7th Sense Psychics section! I will be more than glad to assist you!


Mia is a Tarot and Lenormand reader and mentor with vast experience in the Occult. Her calling is to guide others through the most turbulent times in life as well as provide answers.

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