Interactive Love Reading
Spring is a time of renovation and love, and for this I have chosen to give a twist to my usual Love Tarotscope and turn it into an interactive reading. If you don’t have experience with interactive readings, let me explain how it goes!
All that you have to do is take a deep breath, focus on your situation and choose one of the three cards on the image above to get your Love forecast! Are you ready?
If you are clear on the card that calls you the most, next step is discovering the message behind it! Scroll down to see the cards revealed!
If you chose number one, your card is The Emperor…
If you are single, The Emperor is calling you to grab the bull by the horns and take action in order to be the master of your love life. If you have been eyeing someone, it is the time to act on it and ask them out or make your interest known. If you are in a difficult relationship or “situationship”, The Emperor indicates that your romantic interest is pretty much centered on their own business and that they will not walk the extra mile to spend some time with you at the moment, so things can be pretty cold.
For those of you that are in a relationship, The Emperor indicates that the next weeks will be pretty much uneventful, though your relationship is solid and strong, and you may encounter some disagreements, particularly those that are related to children and family issues. For the ones that are going through a break-up, The Emperor is encouraging you to control your urges to contact your ex. A resolution has been made and it is time to respect it.
Story continues below…
If you chose number two, your card is Judgement…
If you are single, Judgement is speaking about new opportunities and a chance to start fresh in love, if you have chosen this card, do not search for your romantic happiness in your past, for it has nothing to offer. Allow yourself to start from scratch and open up to the romantic opportunities that are coming for you. If you are in a “situationship”, Judgement is a card that calls you to be objective about the situation. Perhaps it is time to abandon a sinking ship before you are trapped amongst the fallen woods!
For those in a relationship, Judgement is a card of renovation, but it can also speak about certain difficulties, particularly if you have been avoiding a subject for a while. Issues will be brought up, and it is better to have an honest and open conversation about them than trying to ignore them, for they will become more problematic in the future. If you are going through a break-up, Judgement can be optimistic about a reconciliation, though it is important to leave the past in the past and start fresh.
If you chose number three, your card is The Three Of Wands…
If you are single, The Three Of Wands suggests that it is a great moment for you to expand your boundaries and get out of your comfort zone. Perhaps trying a new way to connect with people could bring you positive and unexpected results! Go to a new bar, try an app you have never tried before or maybe the old-school approaching someone that catches your eye in a coffee shop could do it! If you are in a “situationship”, your romantic interest is not seeing your thing as exclusive and this card suggests that it may be time to look at other opportunities that you may have around you.
For those in a relationship, The Three Of Wands is inviting you to think outside the box and try something new with your partner. Have some fun! Think about things that you can do to spice things up, or perhaps have a conversation about what your next joint goal should be! For those that are going through a break-up, it’s time to move on and look for new horizons! The future is bright and full of new opportunities to find love.
Have you enjoyed this new format? Let me know in the comments! If you want a more in-depth reading, feel free to call me for a personalized reading. Have a great week!
Really enjoyed the interactive reading, wouldn’t mind seeing more of those in the future 🙂
Thank you for stepping by! I’m thinking of making it a weekly thing!
I enjoyed the information that the number #3 card gave me ‼️ Thanks
I’m glad you loved it! Have a great day!
Love the interactive feature. Please keep it.
Will do! 🙂 Have a lovely day!
Yes, I really enjoyed the readings. And yes, I would like to have a more in-depth reading. I would like to know more about my life and/or future and things that are going to happen now or soon.
I’m usually available in the line for personal readings around 11pm GMT+1. I would love to see you there! Have a great day!